在其视频作品中,卡洛斯·费拉里(Carlos Ferraris)通过干扰、逆转和实验等方式重新诠释了他的雕塑和摄影作品,使两个世界共存于一个空间中。与雕塑和摄影作品相似,在他的电影中,寻常世界和构成寻常世界的物体成了经历的点滴,以全新而出乎意料的方式影响着我们的感知和理解。叙事内容中蕴含着模棱两可的讽刺,分离与对立让人无法对情境进行明确的解读,同时又为逐步展开的事件增加了诡异的深度。费拉里经常颠覆死板的电影顺序,其电影中叙事结构的经常
In his video work, Carlos Ferraris reinterprets his sculptures and photographs through interference, reversal and experimentation to bring the two worlds together in one place. Similar to sculptures and photography, in his films the ordinary world and the objects that make up the ordinary world have become bits and pieces of experience that influence our perception and understanding in new and unexpected ways. The narrative content contains ambiguous irony. Separation and opposition make people unable to interpret the situation clearly, at the same time, it adds a weird depth to the gradual expansion of the incident. Ferrari often subverts the order of cinematic films, often in narrative structures in his films