重塑你的脑 穿透颅骨的磁刺激头 盔[1]配备了可调的磁铁 [2]。微秒能量脉冲诱导脉 冲波磁场内的神经细胞产生 电活动。在专家展望的脑疗 养中心里,将首先评估你的 神经环路,接着智力教练员 为你量身定制脑部锻炼与药 物相结合的养身方案,药物 作用是“改善脑的神经环路,使之处于更理想的功能状态。”美国冷泉港实验室的蒂姆塔利教授说。
Magnetic stimulation helmet that reshapes your brain through the skull [1] Equipped with adjustable magnet [2]. The microsecond energy pulse induces the electrical activity of the nerve cells in the pulsed magnetic field. In the brain-care center of expert vision, you will first evaluate your neural circuit, followed by mental trainer tailor-made for your mind and exercise combined with drugs regimen, the drug’s role is to “improve the brain’s neural circuit , Making it in a more ideal state of function. ”Professor Tim Tully of the Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory said.