
来源 :台湾历史研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:WHO891225
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中国社会科学院近代史所前辈学者刘大年、丁名楠、余绳武合作撰著的《台湾历史概述》,1956年5月由生活·读书·新知三联书店出版。当时不少大陆学者为配合对台政治斗争,致力于台湾史的撰写。据不完全统计,仅1950~1958年大陆出版有关台湾历史的著作即达14种。1这些著作论述主题有二:论证台湾自古以来就是中国的领土,中国对台湾拥有主权;揭露和批判美、日、法等帝国主义列强对台湾的侵略活动,颂扬中国人民的 Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, the predecessors scholar Liu Dainn, Ding Mingnan, Yu Shengwu co-authored the “Taiwan History Overview”, in May 1956 by the life · Reading · Synopsis Publishing. At that time, many mainland scholars committed themselves to writing the history of Taiwan in line with the political struggle against Taiwan. According to incomplete statistics, only 14 books on the history of Taiwan were published in mainland China from 1950 to 1958. 1 These treatise states that there are two themes: the demonstration of Taiwan as China’s territory since ancient times, the sovereignty of Taiwan over Taiwan, the expose and criticism of the aggression by the imperialist powers such as the United States, Japan and France on Taiwan, and the praise of the Chinese people
投资基金是事业单位用以核算对外投资的基金。事业单位无论是用货币、实物还是用无形资产对外投资 ,都应在“对外投资”和“事业基金——投资基金”(简称投资基金 )两个科目