Vibrational properties of uracil

来源 :Chinese Science Bulletin | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:resume_002
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A semiempirical molecular dynamics model is developed to study the vibrational frequen cies of uracil at very low kinetic temperature by using the Fourier transform of velocity autocorrelation func tion of trajectories of molecular dynamics simulations The finite difference harmonic method is used to as sign the vibrational frequency of each mode. The calculated frequencies are found to be in good agreement with experimental measurements. More over, we make up for the lost vibrational modes in experiments self-consistently. A total of 30 vibrationa modes and their corresponding frequencies are re ported. A semiempirical molecular dynamics model is developed to study the vibrational frequen cies of uracil at very low kinetic temperature by using the Fourier transform of velocity autocorrelation func tion of trajectories of molecular dynamics simulations The finite difference harmonic method is used to as sign the vibrational frequency of each calculated. The total number of 30 vibrationa modes and their corresponding frequencies are re ported.
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