目的 分析深圳市龙华新区2013-2014年HIV/AIDS的病例特征及接受艾滋病自愿咨询检测(voluntary counseling and testing,VCT)服务人群的分布情况,为针对性地开展VCT工作以及对高危人群采取综合干预措施提供科学依据.方法 收集深圳市龙华新区2013-2014年HIV/AIDS个案数据,汇总2013-2014年接受VCT服务人群的一般资料、高危行为及HIV抗体阳性初步筛查结果等信息,利用统计软件SPSS 18.0进行数据分析.结果 深圳市龙华新区HIV/AIDS集中在20~ 39岁组男性,工人、家务及待业、商业服务病例占发病总数的80.5%,学生病例7例. 1 484名VCT求询者中,HIV抗体阳性103例,阳性率6.9%,性接触为主要的传播途径.高中以上学历的男性青年是接受VCT的主体人群,求询原因以商业异性性行为、男男性行为和非商业非固定异性性行为为主,男男性行为的抗体阳性率高达16.6%,不同原因求询者的HIV感染率差异有统计学意义(x2=125.070,P<0.01).结论 深圳市龙华新区2013-2014年HIV/MDS病例数呈上升趋势,存在从高危人群向包括学生在内的普通人群扩散的可能.“,”Objective To analyze the cases characteristics and situation of HIV voluntary counseling and testing (VCT)from 2013 to 2014 in Longhua New District of Shenzhen,aiming to provide scientific basis for developing HIV/AIDS prevention and control strategies on high-risk groups.Methods The historical data of VCT was collected from system of AIDS prevention and control Statistical analysis was made on the demographic information,high-risk behavior as well as screening results aided by SPSS 18.0.Results HIV/AIDS cases concentrated in age of 20 ~ 39,occupations of workers,unemployed and housework,business services took up 80.5%,in additional,7 cases were students.Totally 1 484 people received VCT,103(6.9%) ones were confirmed as HIV case,the main route of transmission was sexual contact.Highly educated,young men were the main groups searching VCT,reasons of consultation were heterosexual sex,men who have sex with men (MSM) and non-commercial non-fixed heterosexual sex,among which MSM got a highest antibody positive rate of 16.6% (x2 =125.070,P < 0.01).Conclusion The number of HIV/AIDS in Longhua New District upward by years,in addition to high-risk groups,more and more general population(even students) cases are detected out HIT positive.