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原发于中耳的多形性横纹肌肉瘤颇为少见。现报告一例如下。病例介绍患者男性,55岁,1991年6月27日住院。2年前因水溢入左耳后,出现左耳间断性流脓,今年5月初左耳前及耳后方胀痛,逐惭加重,并出现头痛、头晕、恶心、呕吐等症状,20天后出现面瘫。查体:左耳后及颈部可触及数个花生米大小淋巴结。耳、鼻、喉检查:左耳前下方及后方呈半圆形肿胀隆起,边界不清,质较硬、无活动。耳前压痛,外耳道狭窄,深部见有脓性分泌物及暗红色新生物堵塞。左侧鼻 Polymorphic rhabdomyosarcoma originating in the middle ear is rare. One case is reported below. Case presentation Male patient, 55 years old, hospitalized on June 27, 1991. 2 years ago, after the water overflowed into the left ear, there was intermittent discharge of left ear. In early May of this year, the left ear and the back of the ear swelled and increased gradually, and symptoms such as headache, dizziness, nausea, and vomiting appeared. They appeared after 20 days. Face to face. Physical examination: Several peanut-sized lymph nodes can be touched behind the left ear and neck. Ear, nose, and throat examinations: Semicircular swellings and bulges in the lower front and rear of the left ear. The borders are unclear, and they are hard and have no activity. There was tenderness before the ear, and the external auditory canal was narrow. There were purulent secretions and dark red neoplasms in the deep part. Left nose
The paper tries its best to illustrate the fact that the Authorized Version of the Bible is by far the greatest gem of literary art of all the works in the his
原发性食管腺癌较为罕见。我院1981~1989年共收治食管癌患者364例,其中腺癌12例(3.29%),均经病理证实,且经手术和(或)纤维胃镜及食管吞钡摄片排除了贲门癌肿侵犯食管。 1 临床
最近日本学者报道五价锝标记的二巯基丁二酸(~(29m)Tc(V)-DMS)作为一种新的亲肿瘤显像剂,主要用于甲状腺髓样癌和头颈部鳞状细胞瘤等恶性肿瘤,但国内外尚无应用于肝癌的报道。 Rec
张某,男,46岁,1988年4月11日入院。喉癌声门上型(T_3N_0M_0)放射治疗后2个月,于4月20日行喉水平半喉切除术。术后6天,伤口感染,术后14天切口裂开,形成横径为9cm的巨 Zhang,
乳糜胸是食管癌术后较常见并发症,积极治疗多数可治愈。本文报告11例。 临床资料:男10例,女1例;年龄36—64岁。病变位于食管中段9例,下段2例。左胸食管胃弓上吻合9例;右胸食