笔者自拟复方大黄油治疗烧(烫)伤二十例,疗效尚佳,现简介如下: 处方:生大黄、生地榆各100克,黄芩,黄柏,一见喜叶各50克,冰片(另包,研末)20克,茶油(或花生油)1000毫升。制法:以上药物除冰片外,全部倒入铁锅内,加入茶油,用文火煎熬,煎至药物呈焦黄色,或略带黑色时离火。再用消毒纱布滤去药渣,待药油冷却后再加入冰片末,搅拌均匀,最后将药油分装于已消毒的瓶中备用。用法:用消毒棉扦蘸药油涂患处,日数次。
The author self-proclaimed the compound big butter burn (hot) injury in 20 cases, the effect is still good, is now described as follows: Prescription: Rhubarb, Rehmannia glutinosa each 100 grams, Astragalus, Phellodendron, a see each leaf 50 grams, borneol (the other Package, grinding powder) 20 grams, tea oil (or peanut oil) 1000 ml. Method: The above drug de-icing tablets, all poured into the wok, add tea oil, using slow fire to cook, fry until the drug was coke yellow, or leave the fire when slightly black. Then use sterile gauze to filter the dregs. After the oil cools, add the ice flakes to the end and mix well. Finally, add the oil to the disinfected bottle. Usage: Apply the affected area with sterile cotton seed oil several times a day.