简要介绍我国黄磷工业的发展与现状 ,通过生产技术分析 ,指出我国黄磷装置与国外先进装置的差距 ,黄磷产品的消费途径与市场预测。针对我国黄磷产品结构单一、劳动生产率低、附加值低、经济效益差等问题 ,提出几点建议
Briefly introduce the development and status quo of China’s yellow phosphorus industry. Through the analysis of production technology, we point out the gap between China’s yellow phosphorus devices and advanced foreign devices, and the consumption pathway and market prediction of yellow phosphorus products. Aiming at the problems of single product structure, low labor productivity, low added value and poor economic efficiency of yellow phosphorus products in China, several suggestions are made