今年是《档案法》颁布13周年,13年来,我院在加强档案管理硬件建设的同时,坚持实施档案培训计划,积极开发利用档案信息资源,充分为医、教、研服务,促进了医院的科技进步。 柳州市人民医院创建于1926年3月,目前是广西地市级医院中规模最大的一所综合性三级甲等医院,全国百佳医院,是广西医科大学第五附属医院和临床医学院、全国卫生系统先进集体,现有在职职工1300人,实际开放病床900张。
This year marks the 13th anniversary of the issuance of the Archives Law. Over the past 13 years, our institute has continued to implement archives training programs while strengthening the construction of file management hardware. It has actively developed and utilized archives information resources, fully provided medical, teaching, and research services and promoted hospitals. Technological progress. Liuzhou People’s Hospital was founded in March 1926. It is currently the largest comprehensive hospital in the Guangxi municipal hospitals, the National Best Hospital, and the fifth affiliated hospital and clinical medical school of Guangxi Medical University. The nation’s advanced collective health system has 1300 active employees and 900 beds.