一个地区交通的发达与否与该地区开发的程度及经济发展的水平息息相关。清初台湾大部分土地尚未开发 ,经济相对比较落后 ,岛上对外交通限于鹿耳门一处。其后 ,由于大陆移民大量来台 ,中、北部的开发迅速展开 ,人员的往来、货物的流通大大增加。清政府“顺舆情 ,资民便” ,从乾隆四十九年起相继开设了鹿港、八里坌、五条石、乌石港等作为对外往来的口岸 ,岛上对外交通有了较大的发展。晚清 ,随着通商口岸的开放以及糖、茶、樟脑、煤矿等产业兴起 ,台湾岛上对外航运交通空前繁盛 ,然而 ,由于中国的贫弱和列强的侵略 ,当时台湾对外的航运交通竟多为列强所把持。
The development of traffic in a region is closely related to the degree of development in the region and the level of economic development. At the beginning of Qing Dynasty, most of the land in Taiwan was yet to be developed and the economy was relatively backward. The traffic on the island was restricted to the Luermen Gate. Since then, as a large number of mainland immigrants came to Taiwan, the development of the central and northern regions began rapidly and the flow of personnel greatly increased. The Qing government “Shun public opinion, the people will be” since the Qianlong 49 years have been set up Lukang, Bali, Wu Shi, Wushih Hong Kong and other ports for foreign exchanges, the island has a greater development of foreign traffic . In the late Qing Dynasty, with the opening up of the treaty ports and the rise of sugar, tea, camphor and coal mines, the foreign shipping traffic on the island of Taiwan was unprecedentedly prosperous. However, because of the impoverishment of China and the aggression of the powers, Dominated by the powers.