比较氧化铅和伊凡斯兰(evans blue,EB)灌注后血管定量研究的优劣,寻找最适的微血管定量分析模型。取15只健康成年SD大鼠,随机分为荧光显影组A(EB一维组)、荧光显影组B(EB三维组)和放射造影组C,分别灌注单纯EB、明胶EB和明胶氧化铅后,对各组使用紫外分管光度计、体式显微镜、反射荧光显微镜和micro-CT进行观察、测量并计算血管直径(D)、血管指数(SF)和血管容积(VF)。结果表明:A组可测得局部血容量为(16.22±1.70)mm3,B组的血管直径、血管面积和血管指数分别为(11.79±7.23)μm、(0.14±0.05)mm2和(24.19±5.03)%;而C组分别为(26.45±11.81)μm、(0.06±0.02)mm2和(10.73±2.06)%。荧光B组对直径<20μm微血管的显影效果较放射组好(P<0.01),但对直径>20μm微血管的显影效果无显著性差异(P>0.05)。EB三维研究优于EB一维法,不仅能够显示微血管形态,而且能够采集数据进行定量分析,但其不利于大样本研究。明胶氧化铅灌注易于操作,虽然分辨率较EB显影低,但更适用于大样本可视定量研究。
To compare the pros and cons of the quantitative study of blood lead after the lead oxide and evans blue (EB) perfusion, and to find the optimal model of microvascular quantitative analysis. Fifteen healthy adult SD rats were randomly divided into fluorescent imaging group A (EB one-dimensional group), fluorescent imaging group B (three-dimensional EB group) and radiography group C, and then were infused with pure EB, gelatin EB and gelatin lead oxide (D), vascular index (SF) and vascular volume (VF) were measured and calculated by UV-vis photometer, stereo microscope, reflection fluorescence microscope and micro-CT. The results showed that the local blood volume was (16.22 ± 1.70) mm3 in group A, the diameter of blood vessel, the area of blood vessel and the index of blood vessel in group B were (11.79 ± 7.23) μm, (0.14 ± 0.05) mm2 and (24.19 ± 5.03) ), While those in group C were (26.45 ± 11.81) μm, (0.06 ± 0.02) mm2 and (10.73 ± 2.06)%, respectively. Fluorescence B group had a significant effect on the development of microvessels of diameter less than 20 μm (P <0.01), but no significant difference on the development of microvessels of diameter> 20 μm (P> 0.05). EB three-dimensional study is superior to EB one-dimensional method, not only can show the microvascular morphology, but also to collect data for quantitative analysis, but it is not conducive to large sample studies. Gelatin lead-oxide infusion is easy to operate. Although the resolution is lower than that of EB, it is more suitable for visualization of large samples.