1病历摘要患儿,2岁,因发现双手(双足)多指(趾)畸形2 a入院,患儿出生时其父母发现双手及双足分别多出一指(趾)。因患儿年龄小,未治疗。随患儿的生长发育,多指(趾)日益影响双手及双足的功能和外貌,要求入院手术治疗。查体:双小指尺侧、双足小趾外侧分别可见一多余指(趾),与正常小
1 Medical record Children 2 years of age, admitted to their hospital with 2 fingers (two-legged) multifinger malformation (2 feet) found that their parents found two fingers and two more feet at birth. Because of their young age, untreated. With the growth and development of children, multiple fingers (toes) increasingly affect the function and appearance of both hands and feet, requiring admission surgery. Physical examination: double little finger ulnar, bipedal little toe outside can see an extra finger (toe), and normal small