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  1. 主题句
  每个段落都会有一个要点,该要点通常由主题句表达。主题句运用开门见山手法,通常概括且清楚地陈述本段落的信息。整个段落都围绕主题句展开。例如:模块十U2 Reading (Line 43)
  Young mobile adults give many different reasons for swapping their home towns for big cities.
  主题句出现在句首是常见的,但有时也可出现在段中或出现在段落的末尾。不过在情节性故事或其他一些文体中的,主题句可以放置于第一段的一段引子之后。引子的目的就是为了吸引读者的注意力,这个引子往往可以是一个有趣的小故事、一个问题或一小段话。例如:模块十U2 Reading (Line 3)
  Older Americans are on the move.
  该段在文章中很有可爱之处,第一句Older Americans are on the move.是个引言,一眼就能看出全段所表达的中心——美国老年人在迁徙,这就是主题句;而第二、三两句用一些细节来支撑这个主题句。
  2. 支撑句
  For decades, Florida has been attracting older people. In fact, according to the national population survey conducted recently, Florida is home to the largest population of people aged 65 and older.
  值得一提的是,段落中的支撑句的排列顺序是有层次的。我们可以使用连接词将前后句子连接。常见的连接词有for example, for instance, furthermore, first, on the other hand, however等。例如:模块十U2 Reading (Line22)
  Florida is a popular choice for these people because of the pleasant climate and the low cost of living there. As the number of older Americans moving there increases, more changes are made to cater to them. For example, ambulances respond faster now, and many houses have bathrooms designed for older owners, with things like easytouse bathtubs that reduce the risk of slips and falls.
  3. 结论句
  结论句又称总结句,标志着一个段落的结束,一般可以用来重述一下主题,提供问题的解决方式,对未来进行预测,提出问题让读者去思考等等,或者直接对全段内容加以概括。常见的结论句连接词有therefore, in short, in a word, briefly speaking, to sum up等。当然了,结论句不是主题句的简单重复,而是对它的扩展与总结。有时也可以用结论句来表达关于这个主题的最后想法,或用它来帮助引入下一段的主题。例如:模块十 U2 Reading (Line 41)
  Across the USA, people are noticing the same thing: young people are electing to live in cities.
  A. One of the reasons for visiting the lighthouses is that the lighthouses have a profound history and provide a good view of nature.
  B. Visiting lighthouses will help us to understand the lives of lighthouse keepers.
  C. Another reason for considering a visit is that the lighthouses themselves can be very attractive buildings.
  D. The most important reason for such a visit is to realize how our ancestors battled nature with the basic tools they had.
  Everyone should visit a lighthouse at least once.
  (1)  They had only basic ways of creating light, and yet they found a way of using this simple technology in isolated (孤零零的) places to save ships from hitting rocks.   (2)  By their very nature, lighthouses were built on some rocks or cliffs. Thus the lighthouse keepers often lived lonely lives. To walk around their small home, and imagine the angry storm outside beating against the walls, is to take a step towards understanding the lives they had.
  (3)  The reason for a visit to a lighthouse is not all so backwardlooking in time. It is true that lighthouses were built in outofway places. But on a pleasant sunny summer day, this very isolation has a natural beauty that many people will love to experience. Therefore, with the gentle waves touching all round the lighthouse, the visitor is likely to think it is a world preferable to the busy and noisy modern life.
  (4)  Mankind could often not be content just to put up a basic structure, but felt the need, even in such an isolated place, to build with an artistic touch. The result is a view for tired eyes to enjoy. Finally, lighthouses have a romantic attraction, summed up by the image of the oilskincoated keeper climbing his winding stairs to take care of the light to warn ships and save lives.
  then; later; since; whenever; on the other hand; and; once; while; on the contrary; in the first place
  Do you want to live with a strong sense of peacefulness, happiness, goodness and selfrespect? The collection of happiness actions broadly categorized as “honor” helps you create this life of good feelings.
  Heres an example to show how honorable actions create happiness. Say a store clerk fails to charge us for an item. If we keep silent, and profit from the clerks mistake, we would drive home with a sense of sneaky excitement. 1 we might tell our family or friends about our good fortune. 2, if we told the clerk about the uncharged item, the clerk would be grateful and thank us for our honesty. We would leave the store with a quiet sense of honor that we might never share with another soul.
  3, what is it to do with our sense of happiness?
  4, if we didnt tell the clerk, a couple of things would happen. Deep down inside we would know ourselves as a type of thief. In the process, we would lose some peace of mind and selfrespect. We would also demonstrate that we cannot be trusted, 5 we advertise our dishonor by telling our family and friends. We damage our own reputations by telling others.6, bringing the error to the clerks attention causes different things to happen. Immediately the clerk knows us to be honorable. Upon leaving the store, we feel honorable and our selfrespect is increased. 7 we take honorable action we gain the deep internal rewards of goodness and a sense of nobility.
  There is a beautiful positive cycle that is created by living a life of honorable actions. Honorable thoughts lead to honorable actions. Honorable actions lead us to a happier existence. 8 its easy to think and act honorably again when were happy. 9 the positive cycle can be difficult to start, 10 its started, its easy to continue. Keeping on doing good deeds brings us peace of mind, which is important for our happiness.
  1. 2. 3. 4.
  5. 6. 7. 8.
  9. 10.
  一、(1) D(2) B(3) A(4) C
  二、1. Later2. On the other hand3. Then4. In the first place5. since6. On the contrary
  7. Whenever8. And9. While10. once
炎炎夏日,任务繁重,阅卷老师偏爱记叙文,理所当然。因为记叙文有“生活味”,读着有点意思。当高中生将自己酸甜苦辣、喜怒哀乐的生活“原汁原味”地呈现出来时,与学生朝夕相处的阅卷老师会觉得很有趣,会自然而然地勾起他们对自己学生时代的回忆。分数焉有不高之理?  一、有“生活味”的基本特征:有人、有趣、有感悟  一是有人。作文的“生活味”体现在文中首先就是要“有人”,没有“人”不叫生活。这里的“人”不是指历
在高考中,对复数的考查往往以小题形式出现.有道是“大题大做,小题小做”.对于解答小题,必须讲究技巧,找准方法,只有这样,才能快速解答.那么,复数问题解题技巧去哪儿了?就让本文与你一起去追踪.  一、化复数问题为实数问题  例1设z2=z1-i1(其中1表示z1的共轭复数),已知z2的实部是-1,则z2的虚部为.  分析:因为复数的实部与虚部均为实数,故可依据复数相等的概念,原问题可转化为实数范围内
一、填空题  1.直线3x-4y+k=0在两坐标轴上的截距之和为2,则实数k= .  2.直线l经过点A(1,2),在x轴上的截距的取值范围是(-3,3),则其斜率的取值范围是 .  3.已知两条直线l1:(a-1)x+2y+1=0,l2:x+ay+3=0平行,则a= .  4.圆心在y轴上且过点(3,1)的圆与x轴相切,则该圆的方程是 .  5.设a、b、c分别是△ABC中∠A、∠B、∠C所对边
作品的形象,换句话说,就是作品的“意象”,是指作家在其作品中所创造出来的具体的、生动的、能激发读者想象的生活图景,具体包括人物形象、景象、物象等。比如鲁迅笔下的孔乙己、祥林嫂,曹雪芹笔下的贾宝玉、林黛玉,茅盾笔下的吴荪甫、赵伯韬,《孔雀东南飞》中的刘兰芝、焦仲卿,矛盾笔下的“白杨”,陆游笔下的“梅花”,等等。  一、关于人物形象  “人物形象”,通常指文学作品所塑造的人物及其性格特征、精神面貌等。
以三角函数为背景的创新题,试题情境新颖、构思精巧、解法灵活,显示了数学的活力和魅力.下面剖析这类三角函数问题的创新题.  一、信息迁移型  信息迁移题指的是不便于直接运用所学数学知识解决问题,而需要从所给材料中获取信息,并用于新问题解决的一类问题.这一类问题,往往出现在一个较新的背景之下,题型新颖,形式多样,融综合性、应用性、开放性、创新性于一体.信息迁移型题可分为定义信息型、图表信息型、图形图象
在语言表达系统中,大多数我们的表达称之为直陈性语言 (Literal Language),与之相对的是修辞性语言 (Figurative Language)。修辞本义就是修饰言论,也就是在使用语言的过程中,利用多种语言手段以收到尽可能好的表达效果的一种语言活动, 修辞性语言是用来帮助读者想象文章中正在发生的事的语言。本文就谈谈几种常用的修辞性语言,如:明喻(Simile)、暗喻 (Metaphor
一、单项填空(共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分)  1. “Da Ma”, newly coined word, is most widelyused word in our daily life.  A. a; theB. a; a  C. the; a D. the; the  2. The book, which is recommended by my former English te
1.如图,AB是圆O的直径,D,E为圆上位于AB异侧的两点,连结BD并延长至点C,使BD=DC,连结AC,AE,DE.求证:∠E=∠C.  2.已知M=12  21,β=1  7,计算M5β.  3.在直角坐标系xOy中,直线l的参数方程为  x=12t,  y=22+32t(t为参数),若以直角坐标系xOy的O点为极点,Ox为极轴,且长度单位相同,建立极坐标系,得曲线C的极坐标方程为  ρ=2c
一、填空题(本题共14题,每题5分,计70分)  1.已知R为实数集,M={x|x2-2x<0},N={x|x≥1},则M∩(CRN)= .  2.命题:“x∈(0,+∞),x2+x+1>0”的否定是 .  3.已知z=(a-i)(1+i)(a∈R,i为虚数单位),若复数z在复平面内对应的点在实轴上,则a= .  4.设不等式组0≤x≤2,  0≤y≤2,表示平面区域为D,在区域D内随机取一