为提高龟背竹的观赏价值,笔者根据其特性,对它进行了矮化定植和适当的造型处理,使其小巧美观,高雅大方,更适合一般家庭养植。方法如下: ▲扦插阶段 3月中旬,在母株上取一段带有叶片和气根的扦插茎,剪去叶片和气根,两断面处沾上草木灰,插入浇足水的河沙盆
In order to improve the ornamental value of Monstera, according to its characteristics, the author conducted dwarfing colonization and appropriate modeling treatment to make it small and beautiful, elegant and generous, and more suitable for general family support. The method is as follows: ▲ cutting stage in mid-March, on the mother plant to take a cuttings stems with leaves and roots, cut leaves and roots, the two sections stained with ash,