未来几年,家居装饰会有哪些新的发展趋势和潮流呢?新简约主张自从“现代主义”于20世纪初出现后,化繁为简的美学理念始终在居家设计中影响深远。21世纪,这种情况有所变化,设计的多元性开始出现。为了让感官与心灵能够寻得短暂的澄澈平静与休憩的空间,“简约”已成为理所当然无可取代的空间风格主流。可以说,未来几年,家装流行的趋势已渐渐由东南亚风格向北美风格转移。榉木等已失去了往日的风光,混油装修开始走上 T 型台。北美风格的混油装修以浅色为
In the next few years, what new trends and trends are there in home furnishing decoration? The new simple proposition has always had a far-reaching impact on home design since the appearance of modernism in the early 20th century. In the 21st century, this situation has changed, and design diversity began to emerge. In order to allow senses and minds to find a temporary space for clarity and rest, “simplicity ” has become the mainstream of the style of space indisputable. It can be said that the next few years, home improvement trend has gradually shifted from the Southeast Asian-American style to North American style. Beech, etc. have lost the scenery of the past, mixed decoration started embarked on the T-Taiwan. North American-style oil mixed with light colors