分析研究了GaAs InAs自组装量子点的电输运性质 ,通过对实验数据的分析 ,讨论了Schottky势垒对InAs量子点器件的影响和I V曲线中迟滞回路以及电导曲线中台阶结构产生的原因 .迟滞回路和台阶的出现与电场中量子点的充放电过程相关 :迟滞回路反映了量子点充电后对载流子的库仑作用 ,而电导台阶则反映了量子点因共振隧穿的放电现象 .
Based on the experimental data, the influence of Schottky barrier on InAs quantum dots and the hysteresis loop in IV curve and the reason of the step structure in the conductance curve are discussed. The appearance of hysteresis loops and steps is related to the charge-discharge process of quantum dots in the electric field. The hysteresis loop reflects the Coulomb effect on the carriers after the quantum dot charge, while the conductance step reflects the discharge phenomenon due to the resonant tunneling of the quantum dots.