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屏风在我国古代文化中有着非常重要的地位。尤其唐宋以来,屏风渐渐流入一般士人之家,使用的群体不断扩大。作为一种实用性、艺术性、文化性于一身的家居用品,也越来越受到文人士大夫的喜爱,成为他们鉴赏、吟咏的重要对象。这期间有两个趋势:一是屏风作为绘画、诗歌的载体成为文人士大夫笔砚生涯的组成部分;一是屏风形制的变化迎合了 The screen in our ancient culture has a very important position. Especially since the Tang and Song dynasties, the screens gradually flowed into the houses of ordinary scholars and the groups used have been expanding. As a kind of practical, artistic and cultural homeware, it is also more and more loved by literati and doctor, and becomes an important object for them to appreciate and chant. During this period, there are two trends: First, the screen as a painting, the carrier of poetry became a literary doctor’s pen and ink part of the career; first, the changes in the screen shape to meet the
埋头苦干 甘为人梯──记无私奉献的余安仪余安仪,中共党员,1967年毕业于湖南师范学院(现为湖南师大)政治系,中学高级教师,现为长沙币长都中学党委委员、政治教研绢绢长。金老师从教20多
“将军虎”原称布老虎。历史久远,世代相传。八路军总部进驻麻田时,当地老百姓一针一线亲手绣制布老虎送给八路军官兵,希望他们打胜仗更希望他们勇敢、平安。1 942年八路军副
百合有鲜、干两种,均含有丰富的蛋白质(蛋白质食品)、脂肪、脱甲秋水仙碱和钙(钙食品)、磷、铁(铁食品)以及维生素(维生素食品)等,是老幼皆宜的营养佳品。 Lily has both fr