
来源 :水动力学研究与进展A辑 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wanily1123
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考虑挑坎坡度、挑坎高度等9项可能影响掺气坎空腔特性的参数,按照正交设计进行数值模拟试验。在试验基础上,采用极差和方差分析手段,以掺气空腔的外空腔长度、内空腔长度、通气孔进气情况和槽口出流速度为评价指标,对影响掺气坎空腔特性的9个参数进行分析。结果表明:影响掺气坎外空腔长度的诸多因素中,缓坡平台长度是主要因素,其他因素的影响相对较小;U型槽高度对掺气空腔内空腔长度起控制性作用,其他因素影响很小;对于通气孔进气情况和槽口出流速度,9个因素的影响都相对较小。与试验建议方案比较结果表明,通过正交设计分析所选出的最优方案,其水力特性指标均优于其他方案。说明正交设计分析方法是合理的,可行的。所得成果为工程实际中掺气坎体型的设计提供了依据,对于设计行之有效的掺气设施有实际意义。 Considering the parameters such as the slope of slope and the height of the pick ridge, which may affect the cavity characteristics of aeration tank, the numerical simulation experiments were carried out according to the orthogonal design. Based on the experiment, using the range and variance analysis methods, taking the length of the outer cavity, the length of the inner cavity, the condition of the air inlet and the velocity of the outflow of the slot as evaluation indices, The nine parameters of the cavity characteristics were analyzed. The results show that among the many factors that affect the length of the outer cavity, the length of gentle slope platform is the main factor and the influence of other factors is relatively small. The height of U-shaped channel plays a controlling role in the cavity length in aerated cavity. The influence of the factors is very small; for the aeration of the air vent and the outflow velocity of the notch, the influence of the 9 factors is relatively small. Compared with the proposed test program, the results show that the hydraulic characteristics of the optimal project selected by orthogonal design are superior to other schemes. Orthogonal design analysis method is reasonable and feasible. The results obtained provide the basis for the design of aerated ridges in engineering practice and have practical significance for designing effective aerated facilities.
根据二维浅水波方程的特点,运用计算二维明渠非恒定流的格子Boltzmann模型;利用格子Boltzmann算法耦合度低和CUDA(Compute Unified Device Architecture)线程级并行的优势,在
各省、自治区、直辖市及计划单列市、副省级省会城市计委、物价局: 为切实做好我委主管领域的整顿和规范市场经济秩序工作,根据国务院的统一部署,我们制定了《2001年国家计委整
摘 要 党中央的“八项规定”不仅是对全社会提出的要求,更是对各级党政机关的限制与约束。本文从党政机关厉行节约的重要意义、党政机关浪费现象的几种表现、对党政机关厉行节约的几点建议三个方面做了具体阐述。  关键词 党政机关 节约 建议  中图分类号:D623 文献标识码:A  建设资源节约型、环境友好型社会,需要全民广泛参与,而党政机关更要做厉行节约的表率。节约资源是一项长期的艰巨任务,各级党政机关带