Ask a question: Cars and vans that travel at the same speed will have far more damage than large cars in the event of an accident: when the same two cars are traveling at different speeds, when traffic occurs In an accident, a car with a higher speed produces more damage than a car with a lower speed. We know that the object has kinetic energy due to its movement. So, what are the kinetic energy of the object? Conjecture and Assumption: Conjecture 1: the kinetic energy of the object size and the quality of the object.Conject 2: the kinetic energy of the object size and the velocity of the object.Experimental methods: 1.As the kinetic energy of the object may be related to the quality and speed of the object, the inquiry should be used to control The variable method is to control the velocity of the two objects the same at the same time to explore the relationship between the kinetic energy of the object and the mass of the object.And then control the mass of the object the same and explore the relationship between the kinetic energy of the object and the velocity of the object.2.Due to the size of the object’s kinetic energy Directly observed, we can