湖南宜章县莽山林区位于湖南南端,与广东乳阳林区毗邻,地处北纬24°54′48″-25°03′,东经112°43′-113°00',总面积约2万公顷。山深林茂,人烟稀少,是我国东南部基本上属原生型常绿阔叶林及中山针阔混交林最大面积的保存地。常绿阔叶林(Laurisilva,下简称为常绿林)在全世界以中国面积最大,而中国东南部又以南岭山脉最盛。莽山石坑崆海拔1,922米,是南岭一高峰。森林苍郁,树种复杂,植被区系与生态在学术研究上具有典型意义。 本文主要是根据1964、1965及1979年的调查总结而成。计采集植物标本1800余号,并对1万米~2样地乔木(胸径>3厘米)作每木测定,分层分级统计。森林样方为10 × 10米,每个工作单位取5-20个样方,计500-2000米~2。由于乔木组成复杂,故采用curtis的重要值指数(Importance Index Value-I.V.I,即相对密度De%+相对频度F%+相对显著度Do%=300 ~[1,14,15])来表示各种树种在群落中的优势地位。
Mangshan Forest Area, Yizhang County, Hunan Province is located at the southern tip of Hunan Province and adjoins to the forest area of Runyang in Guangdong. It is located at latitude 24 ° 54’48 "-25 ° 03 ’and longitude 112 ° 43’-113 ° 00’E with a total area of about 20,000 Hectare .Lin Shan Mao, sparsely populated, is the southeastern part of our country is basically a native of evergreen broad-leaved forest and Zhongshan coniferous and broad-leaved forest preservation area. Evergreen broad-leaved forest (Laurisilva, hereinafter referred to as evergreen forest) in The world with the largest area in China, while the southeastern part of China and the Nanling Mountains is the most prosperous.Mengshan stone pit 崆 1,922 meters above sea level, is a peak of Nanling.CultivatedForest, complex species, flora and ecology in the academic research has a typical significance This paper is mainly based on the survey concluded in 1964, 1965 and 1979. The total number of plant specimens collected more than 1,800, and 10,000 to 2 plots of trees (DBH> 3 cm) for each determination of wood, stratified statistics The forest sample size is 10 × 10 meters, and each working unit takes 5-20 samples, accounting for 500-2000 meters ~ 2. Because of the complex composition of trees, the curtis important value index (Importance Index Value-IVI) Relative density De% + relative frequency F% + relative saliency Do% = 300 ~ [1,14,15]) to represent the various trees Species in the community’s dominant position.