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医院图书馆如何充分发挥图书情报的自身价值以适应医学科学技术的发展,很值得探讨,现结合我院图书情报工作的实践谈几点浅见。 一、确立和提高医院图书情报工作地位 医院图书情报工作地位的高低,可以说是衡量图书情报工作是否适应医院现代化建设的标准之一。传统的服务手段,简单重复的被动服务已不适应新时期医院功能和要求。近年来,我院图书馆积极适应医院现代化建设需要,不断拓宽服务领域,向高层次情报服务迈进,图书情报工作的地位得到明显提高,现已成为医院科学技术服务的专业化情报机构,被 How to give full play to the library library’s own value of information in order to adapt to the development of medical science and technology, it is worth discussing, now combined with the practice of Library and Information Service in our hospital talk a few humble opinions. First, to establish and improve the work status of hospital library and information LIBR work status, can be said to be a measure of whether the work of library and information to adapt to the modernization of the hospital one of the criteria. The traditional means of service, simple repetitive passive service has not adapted to the new era of hospital functions and requirements. In recent years, our library actively adapt to the hospital’s modernization needs, continue to broaden the service areas, to the high-level intelligence services forward, the status of library and information work has been significantly improved, has become the hospital science and technology services specialized intelligence agencies,