河南大河农业科技有限公司 ,在最近举办的第九届杨凌农高会苗木种籽展区河南展团的展位上 ,展出了自己培育出的形似小动物 ,精美漂亮 ,色彩艳丽的稀有品种“黄金果” ,实现了让“小动物”长在树上的幻想。该果可种植盆景观赏 ,也可用于食用。“黄金果”为一年生草本植物 ,是利
Henan Dahe Agricultural Science and Technology Co., Ltd., at the 9th session of the Yangling Farmers Seedling Seed Exhibition Pavilion recently held in Henan Province, exhibited its own breed of small animals, beautiful, beautiful, colorful rare species “golden fruit” , Realized the illusion that “small animals” grow in the tree. The fruit can be planted bonsai ornamental can also be used for food. “Golden fruit” is an annual herb, is Lee