本文报道120例暴发型肝炎伴昏迷患者钙磷代谢的情况,其中85%为病毒性肝炎(40%HBsAg阳性)。15%为中毒性肝炎(药物或原因不明),最后结果96例死亡,24例存活。作者分别在入院初和住院期间每天测定血、尿钙磷浓度和血甲状旁腺激素 (PTH)、维生素25羟D_3。另对31例还用放射免疫测定降钙素. 结果:入院初77%患者血游离钙降低,18%正常,5%升高;29%血磷降低,46%正常,25%升高,其中15%继发于血容量减少所致的肾功能不全,纠正血容量后肾功能好转,血磷下降。住院期间,
This article reports 120 cases of fulminant hepatitis coma patients with calcium and phosphorus metabolism, of which 85% of viral hepatitis (40% HBsAg positive). Fifteen percent were toxic hepatitis (drug or unexplained), and the final result was 96 deaths and 24 survivors. The authors measured daily blood and urinary calcium and phosphorus concentrations and parathyroid hormone (PTH) and vitamin D25 hydroxyvitamin D3 daily at admission and during hospitalization. Another 31 patients were also measured by radioimmunoassay of calcitonin.Results: The first 77% of patients admitted to hospital with decreased serum levels of free calcium, 18% normal, 5% increased; 29% decreased phosphorus, 46% normal, 25% 15% secondary to hypovolemia caused by renal insufficiency, renal function improved after correction of blood volume, decreased serum phosphorus. During hospitalization,