During the period of the Kuomintang government, under the dual influence of natural disasters and the world economic crisis, the rural society in our country was in a dilapidated state. In order to save the rural economy, the cooperative movement has been carried out nationwide, and some scholars have proposed the idea of reviving agriculture through agricultural insurance cooperation. They discussed the definition, types and management measures of agricultural insurance. They believed that China should adopt a cooperative system to develop agricultural insurance and promote livestock insurance testing based on cattle insurance. Wujiang Cattle Farm, Cooperative Insurance for Cattle Farmers in the 7th District of Jiangxi Province, Beibei Animal Husbandry Insurance Company and Cattle Cooperative Insurance in Lingui County, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region are the practical attempts to these theories. The Thought and Practice of Agricultural Insurance Cooperation during the Republican Period of Undoubtedly Have Reference Significance for Building a New Socialist Countryside in Our Country Today.