At 5:07 on May 5, 2015, Hangzhou-Nanjing-Huzhou-Hangzhou direction was about 3 km away from the service area of Qingshan. A large truck caught fire in the front of the vehicle during driving. Deqing fire brigade Wukang Squadron alarm, dispatched three fire engines to the site of 17 officers and soldiers rushed to the disposal. On the way, fire officers and soldiers saw the upsurge in the high-speed section of the incident and contacted the high-speed traffic police department to close the road and open emergency rescue corridors for the rescue teams so as to ensure the safe and orderly rescue work. After the officers and soldiers arrived at the scene, a truck with a license plate was parked on the roadside. The front of the car was burning and the smoke was burning. The fire was blown to the tank by the wind