巧妙创设情境 激发教学兴趣

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新课标的一个重要理念是“让学生在生动具体的情境中学习语文”。提高教学有效性策略也就是创设教学情境。在教学活动中,要努力营造积极的情感氛围,达到情境统一和谐方为情境,促进教与学双方之间的感情交流,激发学生情感,启发学生发现问题,调动积极性的思维,使课堂教学变得有生气。列宁也说过:“没有人的情感,就从来没有也不可能有人对真理的追求。”教师要根据教学内容的需要,灵活创设一系列的教学情境,丰富学生认识,使学生乐学。那我们如何来创设语文课堂情境 An important concept of the new curriculum is “let students learn Chinese in vivid and specific situations”. To improve the effectiveness of teaching strategy is to create a teaching situation. In teaching activities, we must strive to create a positive emotional atmosphere, to achieve the context of unity and harmony for the situation, to promote the exchange of feelings between teaching and learning, to stimulate student emotions, to inspire students to find problems, mobilize the thinking of the enthusiasm of the classroom so that teaching changes Get angry. Lenin also said: “Without human emotions, there has never been any one who can not pursue the truth.” Teachers should flexibly create a series of teaching situations according to the needs of teaching content, enrich students’ knowledge and make students learn music . How do we create a Chinese classroom situation?
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2015年3月9日,德国著名建筑师弗雷·奥托( Frei Otto)去世,享年89岁。仅一天后,3月10日,普利兹克奖 (Pritzker Architecture Prize)组委会正式宣布将该奖项颁发给他。按惯例,奥托应在5月去迈阿密接受颁奖。但是普利兹克奖执行董事玛莎·索恩在他病情危重时赶到他家提前告知了这个消息。奥托很高兴,对普利兹克评审团和组委会表示感谢,虽然获奖并不是他的人生目标。  
北京建工集团公司工会近日到张北建工希望小学看望师生,之前他们为该校捐款人民币两万元,为促进贫困地区教育事业发展做出了贡献。 The trade union of Beijing Constructi
本文全面、系统地介绍、评述《微雨》问世之后到共和国成立之前 ,文学界关于李金发诗歌研究的各种意见和评价 ,并在此基础上探讨李金发在中国诗坛引起纷争的原因 ,总结这场因