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建设群众和谐文化,提升国民素质对于继承和发展我国的传统文化、弘扬我国的优秀文化精神,维护和宣传社会核心价值体系,营造文明健康的社会风气都有着重大的意义,同时,推进群众文化建设也将为我国的社会主义现代化建设、构建和谐社会提供强有力的精神动力、思想导向以及舆论的支持等。 Building a Harmonious Culture for the Masses and Upgrading the Qualities of the Masses are of great significance to the inheritance and development of our traditional culture, carrying forward the excellent cultural spirit of our country, safeguarding and promoting the social core value system and creating a civilized and healthy social atmosphere. At the same time, we will promote the building of mass culture It will also provide a powerful spiritual force, ideological guidance and support for public opinion for China’s socialist modernization and building a harmonious society.
锵锵三人行,说什么都行。大家好,这里是TCM会客室。到了年底,盘点的气氛尤其浓烈,这让我想起来许多商铺玻璃门上习惯性挂着“今日盘点,恕不接客”的景象。与其关门盘点,倒不如开门迎客讨个吉利,这也与本刊开门办刊的想法一致。  第一次来到TCM会客厅的三位专家分别是体坛周报记者张奔斗,高网频道解说许旸、胡力涛。他们用自己独到的视  角回望整个2008,讲述即将过去的网事。    《TCM》 说:这期请三