会稽山:纯正品质的“守门人” 记会稽山绍兴县黄酒行业食品检测技能大赛参赛团队

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质量是企业的生命,也是铸就会稽山百年品牌的基石。自1743年创建以来,会稽山一直注重质量管理,并以卓越的技术、纯正的品质赢得绍兴老百姓的好口碑,成为绍兴人最喜欢喝的绍兴黄酒。品质的背后,是会稽山270年的历史传承和创新发展,是一代又一代会稽山人的诚信经营和严格把控,也是每一位质检员辛勤的汗水和持之以恒的付出和努力,更是会稽山百年如一日,视质量为生命,持续注重品质管理的必然结果。 Quality is the life of an enterprise and also the cornerstone of a century-long brand of Jishan. Since its establishment in 1743, Huiji Mountain has always paid attention to quality management and won the good reputation of ordinary people in Shaoxing with excellent technology and pure quality. It has become the Shaoxing rice wine most liked by Shaoxing people. Behind the quality, it will be 270 years of history heritage and innovation development, is a generation after generation of Jishan people integrity management and strict control, but also every one of the quality inspector hard sweat and perseverance to pay and efforts, but also Huiji Mountain a hundred years as a day, depending on the quality of life, continue to focus on the inevitable result of quality management.
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