全面深化改革 增强竞争意识改变协会工作方式 推进建材行业结构调整转型升级向纵深转折——在2014年全国建材行业协会系统工作会议暨联合会会长全体工作会议上的讲话

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2014年全国建材行业协会系统工作会议暨中国建材联合会会长全体工作会议是在全党深入贯彻落实党的十八大和十八届三中全会精神、认真学习领会十八届四中全会《中共中央关于全面推进依法治国若干重大问题的决定》,促进经济社会全面发展的新形势下召开的;是在我国经济发展经历了长期的高速增长、开始步入经济增长缓速稳定的新常态的形势下召开的;也是在建材行业结构调整、转型升级处在十分重要而又非常关键的时期召开的一次重要会议。 In 2014, the National Building Materials Industry Association System Working Conference and the China Building Materials Federation President’s Working Conference held a working conference in which the entire party thoroughly implemented the spirit of the 18th CPC National Congress and the Third Plenary Session of the 18th CPC Central Committee, earnestly studied and comprehended the Fourth Plenary Session of the 18th CPC Central Committee, The CPC Central Committee’s Decision on Some Important Issues in Ruling the Country by Law "and the promotion of the all-round economic and social development under the new situation; it has undergone long-term rapid growth in China’s economic development and entered a new normal of slow and steady economic growth Held under the situation; but also in the restructuring of building materials industry, the transformation and upgrading at a very important and very crucial period held an important meeting.
前言 建筑行业作为国民经济的重要组成部分,为我国国民经济快速发展,人民生活质量迅速提高做出了突出贡献。随着我国社会主义市场经济建设的飞速发展,我国的建筑市场竞争也越来