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在明清之际,西学东输主要依靠的是传教士,尤其是天文学、地理学等西方占领先地位的学科,其知识主线都是由传教士为主体绘制的,文学自然也不会例外。在翻阅徐宗泽所著《明清间耶稣会士译著提要》一书时,关于文学的译著实在屈指可数。对于传教士来说,传播教义乃是唯一要务,如果有涉及文字部分的工作,必定是对宣扬宗教有所裨益的。因此,西 During the Ming and Qing dynasties, the main reason for the east-west study of West-East China was relying on missionaries, especially the Western-dominated disciplines such as astronomy and geography. The main line of knowledge was drawn by the missionaries and the literature was no exception. When you read Xu Zongze’s book, “The Translation of the Jesuits between the Ming and Qing Dynasties,” a book, there are really a few translations on literature. For the missionaries, spreading the doctrine is the single most important task. If there is any work involving the literal part, it must be helpful to promote the religion. Therefore, West