一、引言 1958年我院獅子山的斜紋夜蛾同全省情况一样,来势猛、数量多、分布广、严重的危害我院各种作物的生长发育与产量。戏院党的領導因見其危害的严重性,随即号召在院全体师生员工750余人投入紧張的治虫运动,經过数天的激烈战斗,終于基本上消灭了为害。我們植保系昆虫教研组全体教工除亲自参加这次战斗外,还对同学进
I. INTRODUCTION In 1958, the Spodoptera litura in Lion Rock in our hospital was the same as the province. The situation was fierce, with a large number and wide distribution. It seriously jeopardized the growth and yield of various crops in our hospital. Because of the seriousness of the harm caused by the leadership of the theater party, more than 750 staff and students of the entire academy were enrolled in the intense pest control campaign. After several days of fierce fighting, they finally basically eliminated the evil. We plant protection insects teaching and research group of all teachers in addition to personally participate in the fighting, but also to the students