传说中国进口的第一辆汽车献给了慈禧太后,慈禧太后见后感到非常新鲜,就想让司机开车带她在紫禁城里转一圈。司机坐到驾驶座上刚要启动,没想到慈禧太后突然勃然大怒:以前抬轿子的都是在轿子外面走,我自己坐在里面,怎么你现在和我坐在一起还背对着我?文官大臣们在我面前都要跪着,你一个车夫竟敢坐着?司机见太后大怒,吓得忙跳下车来跪倒在地,高呼饶命:不是奴才胆大,而是开车要用脚去踩油门,踩刹车,跪着实在没法操作。太后想想也对,可心里又想:臣跪地面君可是千百年来老祖宗留下的规矩,我总不能为了坐汽车就伤了风化。于是,这辆花重金买来的汽车只好束之高阁了。这样的故事今天听来只是笑料。但当我们对所有的“泊来品”都理直气壮地提出“是否符合中国国情”的质疑时,是否想过这100年前的笑料还有一个顽固的小尾巴留在我们的潜意识里呢? 汽车是工业经济的宠物;计算机、互联网、电子商务这些新经济的宠物也已经挂在从政府官员到学者、商人各方人士的嘴边。不过,100年后的我们聪明了很多:如果慈禧太后能活到今天,我们能让她看到:汽车可以“跪着开”。 中国电子商务领域已经出现了首批在可预见的未来能够盈利的公司。其大部分之所以能够盈利,是因为其背后有强大的政府资源支持;有了靠山就好办事。但还有另外?
Legend has it that the first car imported from China was dedicated to the Empress Dowager Cixi. Empress Dowager Cixi felt very fresh and wanted the driver to drive her around the Forbidden City. The driver sat to the driver’s seat just to start, did not expect the Empress Dowager Cixi Suddenly furious: the sedan chairs were seated outside the chair, I sat inside, how do you sit back with me and me back? Ministers are kneeling before me, you dare to sit a driver? Driver Tai Tai furious, scared to get off to kneel to the ground, shouted for mercy: not daring to daring, but to drive to use Foot to step on the accelerator, brakes, kneeling really can not operate. Queen Mother think about it right, but my heart thought: Chen Jun kneeling on the ground, but our ancestors left the rules for thousands of years, I can not always get hurt on the bus to weathering. As a result, this car spent heavily bought the car had to put it away. Today’s story sounds like a joke. But when we questioned all “beauties” bluntly put forward “whether it is in line with China’s national conditions,” have we ever thought of those 100 years ago jokes and a stubborn little tail in our subconscious? Car It is a pet of the industrial economy. The new economic pets like computers, the Internet and e-commerce have also been hung around government officials, academics and businessmen. However, 100 years later we are a lot clever: If Empress Dowager Cixi can live to this day, we can let her see that the car can “kneel open.” China’s first e-commerce market has seen the emergence of the first company to profit in the foreseeable future. The reason why most of them are profitable is because they have strong government resources behind them. But what else?