
来源 :煤矿安全 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:cqjava
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针对东易煤矿4102工作面回风巷道迎4101回采工作面掘进带来的巷道布置难题,综合数值模拟、理论计算等方法,对距4101工作面不同距离处的侧向支承应力分布、顶板挠度分布和不同宽度煤柱内部塑性区分布进行了分析。结果显示,支承应力和挠度值呈“驼峰状”分布;当巷道布置在挠度峰值内侧时,煤柱内部仍有弹性稳定区,保证了煤柱稳定性和承载能力;结合东易煤矿实际生产条件,最终确定了东易煤矿4102回风平巷的护巷窄煤柱宽度为7 m。 In view of the difficulty of roadway arrangement brought by the tunneling of 4101 working face in the return airway of 4102 working face in Dongyi Coal Mine, the lateral bearing stress distribution and the deflection distribution of the roof at different distances from 4101 working face are obtained by comprehensive numerical simulation and theoretical calculation. And different width of coal pillar plastic zone distribution were analyzed. The results show that the support stress and deflection values ​​are “hump” distribution. When the roadway is arranged inside the deflection peak, the coal pillar still has an elastic stability zone inside, which ensures the stability and bearing capacity of the coal pillar. Production conditions, the final narrow coal pillar width of 4102 return roadway in Dongyi Coal Mine is 7 m.
那晚闲来一算,吓了一跳。结婚九年多,加上恋爱八年,我和这个枕边人在一起的年头,已经占据了我目前人生近一半的时间。  这是我们摸爬滚打相互改造的十七年。  十七年间,我大概有过一万多次想揍他的冲动,一千多次想掐死他的念头,一百多次想离婚的打算,其中三次是正式提出,还有一次是直接下载好了离婚协议。  毫不夸张,这就是最真实的婚姻状态。  即便如此,我们还是被很多人羡慕。  可别人不知道,他有多少次险些