长假出游,除了选择风景秀丽之地,还可以选择那些民族气息浓厚的省市,比如云南。云南省是我国少数民族最多的省,少数民族又都能歌善舞。去云南旅游,感受别样风情。能歌善舞的少数民族彝族、佤族、壮族,基诺族多使用打击乐器演奏音乐,如钹、象脚鼓、木鼓、竹筒琴等等,这些民族的音乐节奏鲜明、音量宏大,适合喜庆的节日庆典。苗族、瑶族、怒族、哈尼族喜欢吹管乐器,这类乐器音色优美, 表现力丰富,吹奏出的曲子活泼生动,优美抒情。孔雀舞是源于傣族民间的一种舞蹈,傣族妇女的温柔、美丽,更使孔雀舞增加了独特的韵味和魅力。东巴舞是纳西族的民间舞蹈, 舞蹈语汇丰富,造型鲜明,千姿百态,表现人的喜、怒、哀、乐思想和气质。来云南旅游,欣赏了云南少数民族的歌舞表演,很希望能将歌舞欢腾的声色场面保存下来。难道必须用照相机来拍摄动人的瞬间,用摄像机来记录动听的音乐么?其实只要带上一台录像功能出色的数码相机,所有的问题就都迎刃而解了。
Holiday travel, in addition to choose the beautiful scenery, you can also choose those ethnic provinces and cities, such as Yunnan. Yunnan Province is the largest province of ethnic minorities in China, and ethnic minorities can sing and dance. Travel to Yunnan, feel different customs. Singing, dancing, ethnic minorities Yi, Wa, Zhuang and Jinuo use percussion instruments such as cymbals, drums, drums and bamboos, etc. These ethnic groups have strong rhythms and loud vocals and are suitable for festivals Holiday celebration. Miao, Yao, Nu, Hani like to blow instruments, these instruments sound beautiful, expressive and rich, lively and lively song, beautiful lyrical. Peacock dance is a dance from the Dai folk, Dai women are gentle, beautiful, more peacock dance adds a unique charm and charm. Dongba dance is a Naxi folk dance, dance vocabulary rich, distinctive shape, mix, showing people’s hi, anger, sorrow, thoughts and temperament. Come to Yunnan to travel, enjoy Yunnan ethnic song and dance performances, very much hope that the songs and jubilants scene saved. Is it necessary to use the camera to capture the moving moment, with the camera to record the sound of the music? In fact, as long as a video recording function with a good digital camera, all the problems are solved.