艺术界事件1912年的欧洲,现代主义运动蓬勃发展。大批杰出的艺术家纷纷投身于这项与传统割裂的艺术实践,各种艺术流派精彩纷呈,立体主义、表现主义、达达主义、未来主义、抽象主义等等。这个时期的艺术实践,为业已走向没落的绘画艺术注入了新的生机。立体主义1908年始于法国的立体主义,其主将是毕加索(Pablo Picasso)和布拉克(G.Braque)。1912年,毕加索把上胶的纸贴到画上,进一步发展了立体主义。从这—年开始。毕加索等进行综合的立体主义的试验。在分析立体主义破
Art events In 1912 in Europe, the modernist movement flourished. A large number of outstanding artists have devoted themselves to this traditional and fragmented artistic practice. Various art schools are colorful, including Cubism, Expressionism, Dadaism, Futurism, Abstractism and so on. The artistic practice of this period has infused new vitality into the declining painting art. Cubism began in 1908 with the Cubism of France, with the main masters Pablo Picasso and G. Braque. In 1912, Picasso glued the paper to the painting to further develop the Cubism. From this - the beginning. Picasso and other comprehensive Cubist experiment. In the analysis of Cubism broken