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共享经济,一般是指以获得一定报酬为主要目的,基于陌生人且存在物品使用权暂时转移的一种新的经济模式。其本质是整合线下的闲散物品、劳动力、教育医疗资源。有的也说共享经济是人们公平享有社会资源,各自以不同的方式付出和受益,共同获得经济红利。此种共享更多的是通过互联网作为媒介来实现的。在共享经济兴起的主要时期,它在激活多个行业的同时,我们不能一味的向钱看,而是要冷静思考,共享背后是否少了点文化的味道呢?共享经济这么 The shared economy generally refers to a new economic model based on strangers and the temporary transfer of the right to use goods for the main purpose of obtaining certain remuneration. Its essence is to integrate the line of idle goods, labor, education and medical resources. Some also said that the shared economy is that people should enjoy social resources in a fair manner, each paying and benefiting in different ways and jointly obtaining economic dividends. This sharing is more through the Internet as a medium to achieve. In the main period of the rise of the shared economy, while activating a number of industries, we can not blindly look at the money. Instead, we must think calmly and whether the culture behind the sharing is less tasteless.
一盘水果沙拉,有可能蕴含整个世界,蕴含人类的整部农业史。一边吃一边想这些有关水果的轶事,那感觉是挺有趣的。    水果,顾名思义,多半是植物的果实,其中包含着“下一代”——种子。  植物为了传播果实或种子,想出了很多办法,比如蒲公英的果实有降落伞一样的冠毛,风一吹就可以飞很远;慈姑的果实像救生圈一样可以浮在水面上,随水传播;凤仙花的果实在成熟时会炸开,把种子弹射出去……  不过更聪明的植物看中了动