借全省市、县图书馆业务竞赛的机会,向长期工作在基层图书馆的全体同志表示亲切的问候,向前来参加竞赛的选手表示诚挚的致意。下面就我省图书馆事业的发展,谈几点看法: 一、我省图书馆事业发展的大好形势近几年来,我省图书馆事业,在各级政府的关怀下,在从事图书馆事业的同与们的共同努力下,发展比较快。①从队伍上看,己达到1756人,每年以200人的速度增长。新增人员的素质比较好。②从馆舍上看,每年有10—15个新馆竣工或投入使用,平均每年增加6万平方米馆舍建筑面积,这是很喜人的。
Through the opportunity of business competitions of cities and counties in the whole province, I would like to extend my cordial greetings to all the long-term comrades in the grass-roots libraries and express my sincere thanks to the contestants who come forward for the contest. The following on the development of our province’s library career, talked about what: First, the great situation of the development of the province’s library industry In recent years, the cause of the library in our province, at all levels of government care, engaged in the cause of the library With the joint efforts with them, the development is faster. ① From the team point of view, it has reached 1756 people, growing at a rate of 200 people a year. The quality of new staff is better. ② From the premises, 10-15 new museums are completed or put into use each year, an average increase of 60,000 square meters of building area every year, which is very gratifying.