在网络上听取民意,并积极回应公众的各种质疑,应成为当前各级政府部门的一项基本职能近日,有关“高干子女占超亿元富豪人数91%”的信息在网上广为流传。有报道称,该信息引自国务院研究室、中宣部研究室等多家权威机构的联合研究报告。 8月6日,国务院研究室授权新华网针对该信息发布严正声明,否认与其他部门开展过任何联合研究,更没有发布过任何联合研究报告。与此同时,其他研究机构也纷纷通过媒体辟谣,称这些信息来源纯属子虚乌有。但这些迟缓的声明,并未能有效阻止
Listen to the public opinion on the Internet and actively respond to various public questions should become a basic function of government departments at all levels. Recently, the information on the number of super-high children over 100 million yuan 91% To spread. It has been reported that the information is quoted from the joint research report of the State Council Research Office and the Central Propaganda Department Research Office and other authorities. On August 6, the State Council’s research department authorized Xinhua News Agency to issue a solemn statement on the information, denied any joint research conducted with other departments, and even failed to release any joint research report. In the meantime, other research institutes also rumored rumors through the media that these sources of information are purely non-existent. However, these slow statements failed to effectively stop them