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目的分析肺结核患者治疗过程中血清IL-10、IL-12p40、IL-12p70、IL-17A、IL-4、IL-6和IP10水平的动态变化,以进一步阐明这些因子与结核病发生发展的关联性。方法应用液相芯片技术检测59例成功治愈的初治菌阳肺结核患者治疗前、治疗2个月末和6个月末的血清IL-10、IL-12p40、IL-12p70、IL-17A、IL-4、IL-6和IP10水平,应用配对t检验分别比较各因子3个时点间的血清表达水平差异。结果 3个时间点血清IL-10、IL-12p40、IL-12p70、IL-17A、IL-4、IL-6和IP10水平(pg/m L):治疗前分别为1.71±0.91、5.02±11.53、2.48±11.03、1.12±0.46、0.36±1.87、8.99±7.82和882.74±1 110.73,治疗2个月末分别为2.39±1.47、8.95±13.76、1.77±1.80、0.96±0.22、0.51±1.11、4.75±4.16和408.38±492.27,治疗6个月末分别为1.84±0.93、5.14±10.16、1.59±0.78、0.79±0.22、0.44±0.48、4.05±4.51和177.57±104.83。治疗前与治疗2个月末及治疗6个月末的IL-6水平、治疗前与治疗2月末的IL-10和IL-12p40水平以及治疗前、治疗2个月末、6个月末的IL-17A和IP10水平均有显著性差异(P<0.05)。结论血清IL-17A、IP10、IL-6、IL-10和IL-12p40水平与结核病的发生发展存在密切关联。 Objective To analyze the dynamic changes of serum levels of IL-10, IL-12p40, IL-12p70, IL-17A, IL-4, IL-6 and IP10 during the treatment of patients with pulmonary tuberculosis to further elucidate the association between these factors and the occurrence and development of tuberculosis . Methods The serum level of IL-10, IL-12p40, IL-12p70, IL-17A and IL-4 in 59 newly diagnosed bacillary positive pulmonary tuberculosis patients before treatment, 2 months after treatment and 6 months after treatment were detected by liquid- , IL-6 and IP10 levels, the paired t-test was used to compare the serum levels of three factors at different time points. Results The levels of IL-10, IL-12p40, IL-12p70, IL-17A, IL-4, IL-6 and IP10 in serum at three time points before treatment were 1.71 ± 0.91,5.02 ± 11.53 , 2.48 ± 11.03,1.12 ± 0.46,0.36 ± 1.87,8.99 ± 7.82 and 882.74 ± 1107.73, respectively, at the end of the two months of treatment were 2.39 ± 1.47,8.95 ± 13.76,1.77 ± 1.80,0.96 ± 0.22,0.51 ± 1.11,4.75 ± 4.16 and 408.38 ± 492.27, respectively, at the end of 6 months of treatment were 1.84 ± 0.93, 5.14 ± 10.16, 1.59 ± 0.78, 0.79 ± 0.22, 0.44 ± 0.48, 4.05 ± 4.51 and 177.57 ± 104.83, respectively. The level of IL-6 before treatment and at the end of 2 months and the end of 6 months of treatment, the levels of IL-10 and IL-12p40 before treatment and at the end of treatment 2, and the levels of IL-17A at the end of 2 months, 6 months after treatment IP10 levels were significantly different (P <0.05). Conclusion Serum levels of IL-17A, IP10, IL-6, IL-10 and IL-12p40 are closely related to the occurrence and development of tuberculosis.
Background Esophageal adenocarcinoma is becoming an increasingly important problem.It has been the most rapidlyincreasing malignancy in western countries in th
患者 男,26岁.左侧中腹部不适5 d,于2005年6月2日入院.体检:左中腹略隆起,且触及一肿块,质硬,活动度尚可,边缘清楚,无压痛,体重无明显下降.直肠指检:距肛门约7 cm处触及一包块,质硬,活动度可.实验室检查:生化、血常规、肿瘤全套均正常。
一、期刊的性质、刊登内容及读者对象本刊是陆、海、空三军火控、指控领域内综合性的学术 (专业 )期刊。为大 1 6开本、季刊 ,经邮局公开发行。刊登内容 :国内外火控与指控技
毫无疑问的,男人都是用下半身思考的动物,上床永远是他们在恋爱过程中最想做的事情之一。然而上床也要理由,于是为了他们的身体上与心理上的满足,他们往往会想出各种各样的借口。  【“阴谋”潜台词1:先占有再拥有】  男人之所以觉得做爱之后你就会更加爱他,是因为在他看来,性是男人的利器,是征服和进攻,他对自己的性能力无比自信。对于男人来说,一场性行为后,爱情往往结束了。  对于女人来说,一场性行为后,爱情