不知不觉中,我与美丽的观赏鱼结下了不解之缘。现在,一有闲暇就喜欢观赏它,这已成为我八小时以外不可或缺的生活内容。 在彩色的日光灯辉映下,加之假山、水草的衬托,水族世界真奇妙,一条条名如其状或其神或其姿的观赏鱼,使你欣赏起来栩栩如生,惟妙惟肖。龙鱼长得像
Unconsciously, I and the beautiful ornamental fish knot indissoluble bond. Nowadays, I enjoy watching it whenever I have spare time, which has become an indispensable part of my life beyond eight hours. Reflected in the color of fluorescent light, coupled with the rockery, water plants set off, the aquarium world is really wonderful, a name like its or its god or its posture ornamental fish, make you appreciate the lifelike, lifelike. Arowana looks like