尽管在2001-2002赛季的冠军杯中只出场了9分钟,但是克罗地亚人马科·巴比奇依然在冠军联赛中留下了自己的名字,在与尤文图斯进行的比赛中正是他攻进了决定胜负的一球,从而帮助勒沃库森以3比1战胜对手晋级下一轮比赛,而首次出场就有进球也让他高兴得过了头,他在进球后兴奋地将球衣摔到地上后狂奔,当然也为此付出了代价。当值主裁不仅以拖延比赛为由给了他一张黄牌,由于巴比奇还将戴的金项链也一起扔了出去,可赛后找了许久都无法寻回。 本赛季尽管勒沃库森表现得很差,但
Although only 9 minutes played in the 2001-2002 Champions League, Croatian Marco Babic still left his name in the Champions League, and it was in the match against Juventus that he scored Decided to win the ball, which helped Bayer Leverkusen to 3-0 victory over opponents to the next round of competition, and the first appearance has scored a goal too happy for him, he excitedly after the scoring jersey Rushed to the ground after running, of course, paid the price. The referee not only gave him a yellow card on the grounds of stalemate, but also returned the gold necklace worn by Babbage together for a long time after the game. Although Bayer Leverkusen performed poorly this season,