When we discuss institutions and institutions and their operating mechanisms, we often consider the fulfillment of their overall goals, consider whether they conform to certain values, economic concepts and political concepts and treat them as an organism or as a machine. At the same time, it neglected the human factor in the organization. The human factor is important because it reflects or decides, to some extent, the identity, nature, and effectiveness of the institution itself. Therefore, how to make the institution give full play to human’s role and how to couple the overall value tendency of the institution with the individual’s value tendency rather than the conflict is an important task that the current institution faces in the process of transformation and reform. For this reason, we think about the relationship between institutions and people from the perspectives of institutional design, the facts and values of their composition, and their history. We hope that the organization in which we live and work is not a cold machine but a host of dreams that inspire People’s various creative freedom of space.