Gao Shang, a young child who experienced two complex heart surgeries, is one among the 300 disadvantaged children receiving help from the 2012 Medical Aid Program of Children’s Hope.
Xixi came to the Home of Children’s Hope in 2008. Suffering from athetoid cerebral palsy and cortical blindness, she couldn't see nor hear anything.
A Qu comes from a primary school in the Erzezhu Village, Yuexi County, Lianshan Prefecture (an autonomous prefecture in Sichuan). The dilapidated school is located in a poor alpine area. With the aid of Children’s Hope, children there have received donations and finally owned their bright and spacious classrooms.
Yule, who has disabled parent, was born in 2008. In July 2012, the child was diagnosed with “abdominal neuroblastoma” which compounded the plight of the poor family. Through the medical aid program, Children’s Hope raised funds for Yule. Together with the help of the public, Yule had a successful surgery of hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT) in Beijing Children’s Hospital and stayed in a stable condition.
8-year-old John is among the earliest batch of children coming to the Home of Children's Hope in 2004. After six major surgeries, his heart disease, hydrocephalus and cataracts were cured. He started school in September 2012.
Jigao is brought up in a single-parent family and raised by his father whose leg was wounded. Jigao and his brother are both in the sunflower group of the Aid Program in Sichuan Earthquake Zone. Children’s Hope Foundation offers assistance to them after learning their situation from the volunteers.
These children share the same name: orphans or disadvantaged children. They have a common home: Home of Children's Hope. They are unfortunate being orphaned or disadvantaged. However, they are also fortunate enough to receive aid from Children’s Hope Foundation (aka Children’s Hope). It is a Chinese local non-profit NGO to help orphans and disadvantaged children. The reporter made an exclusive interview with Ms. Melody Wen Zhang, Executive Director of Children’s Hope, on issues of assistance to orphans and disadvantaged children in China on the day before Chinese New Year’s Eve. 他们,有一个共同的名字,叫做孤儿或困境儿童;他们有一个共同的家,叫做儿童希望之家。作为孤儿或困境儿童中的一员,他们是不幸的;然而他们又是幸运的,因为他们得到了儿童希望救助基金会的救助。这一主要从事中国孤儿和困境儿童救助的机构便是儿童希望救助基金会(简称儿童希望)——一家中国本土的非盈利民间机构。除夕的前一天,本刊记者就中国孤儿以及困境儿童救助问题专访了该机构主任张雯女士。
Heart-Wringing Situation of Orphans and Disadvantaged Children
With the Spring Festival approaching, there was an air of restlessness in Beijing. On festive occasions one thinks of his dear ones far away more than ever, let alone at the Spring Festival for family reunion. People working far from homeland, regardless of their fatigue, were bathed in the holiday joy of returning home for the Spring Festival. However, the reporter was impressed by staff busy working in the office, full of enthusiasm. Director Zhang in the morning meeting was particularly beautiful with her curly hair and eyes with loving gaze. When I expressed my admiration towards the conscientious staff of Children’s Hope, Ms. Zhang told me proudly that a number of students from the Sport University who didn’t go back to their hometown would help children here with rehabilitation training. Meanwhile they also help teachers in the Home of Children’s Hope at best they can.
When talking about the children here, the eyes of Ms. Zhang are filled with tender affection. A graduate from School of Journalism of Renmin University of China in 1989, she had never thought that she would step into the area of children’s relief from journalism with her previous dream of “The iron shoulders undertake the morality and justice, the highly skilled write the article.” Guided by some foreign experts hoping to help orphans, Ms. Zhang chanced to come to a welfare house in Jiangsu Province, China in 1992. In the dserted and cold orphanage, children were as thin as a lath. Their faces were pale and eyes are dull. Acrid smell filled the air. She was shocked so long that she could not calm down. She even held up a child and ran out of the house desperately. She still can not get over the tingling sensation. It is the shock that made Ms. Zhang to join the program of children’s relief, giving up the work as a magazine reporter resolutely.
提及儿童希望之家的孩子,张雯女士眼中充满了爱怜。这位1989年毕业于中国人民大学新闻系的高材生或许并未想到,曾怀揣着“铁肩担道义,妙手著文章”理想的自己会从新闻界一脚踏入困境儿童救助领域。那是一个偶然的机会,1992年,在一些希望帮助孤儿的外国专家的带领下,张雯女士来到了中国江苏的一所福利院。在空荡而又冰冷的福利院里,一个个孩子骨瘦如柴,脸色苍白,目光呆滞,再加上屋子里散发出来的刺鼻气味,令她震惊得久久无法平静,甚至不顾一切的一把抱起其中的一个孩子就往屋外跑。当时那种刺痛的感觉至今仍令张雯难以忘怀,也正是当时的那种震惊让她毅然决然的选择放弃杂志社记者的工作,义无反顾的投入到对孤儿与困境儿童的救助中。 Ms. Zhang felt her limitations after a couple of years’ work. Then, she went to the US for further study. Ms. Zhang received her Master's degree in Social Work from Washington University in St. Louis in US in 1997, majoring in family and children. During her internship in US, Ms. Zhang engaged in social work services related to divorced families, victims' families and poor families. Through the internship, she was struck by the gap between child relief in China and the US.
Ms. Zhang introduced that most civilized countries have established standardized relief systems for orphans or disadvantaged children. In American social welfare concept, children are not only vulnerable groups worthy of sympathy. More importantly, children are treated as the hope of future in the US. Therefore, the domestic adoption system in the US is well-regulated in purpose of ensuring orphans live in a healthy environment. Child Welfare Bureaus are set up in the US and many other countries. There is also positive interaction between the government and NGOs. The government can make NGOs supplementary relief forces through purchasing their services. Once there are homeless children, professional organizations can soon respond to it. If people want to adopt them, relevant training services and government-backed funds will be provided.
However, it’s quite different in China. Here, diseases claimed lives of children who could have been cured; some children were even abused by their own biological parents and received no help. According to statistics, currently there are about 615,000 orphans in China. About 109,000 orphans are fostered by the Children’s Welfare Institute of the Ministry of Civil Affairs. The rest of 506,000 orphans, without the reach of official child welfare services, are scattered in the society. They are fostered either by their relatives or NGOs. Every year there are new orphans and some of them will be fostered by child welfare services. Thus, the figure is different each year. Coupled with other orphans beyond the statistics, this figure is obviously larger than 600,000. Another figure shows that there are 9 provincial level independent child welfare institutes, 333 regional independent ones and 64 county level independent ones. In addition, over 800 social welfare institutes have a service section for children. Altogether there are 2,853 counties in China. The present welfare institutes are far from enough for the large number of orphans in China. In this regard, Ms. Zhang said that undeniably the children relief system in China is still not perfect. Relevant laws and regulations are still needed for improvement. The Adoption Law of the People's Republic of China was promulgated and came into force in April, 1992. However, as the most important law to protect orphans, the government’s responsibility lies in a mere registration provision. This greatly dilutes the government’s legal responsibility. With the absence of the child welfare system, the situation of orphans and disadvantaged children in China is worrying.
Build the Home of Children's Hope
Talking about the children who have been orphaned due to disability, illness or poverty, Ms. Zhang eyes were filled with tears, her voice choked. This is not only because of children’s innocence, but also owing to anger she felt towards the parents who abandoned the children. She told the reporter excitedly that many Chinese parents treat their kids as their own accessories. When children have some health problems, parents tend to give up their lives. This is not only inconsistent with the civilization of a society, but also against the spirit of humanitarianism. Take an example of a child suffering imperforate anus, his parents refused to get him treated. In desperation, our volunteers had to grab him for treatment. This matter triggered public uproar. However, according to the opinion polls by Sohu, as much as 70% of the people thought that we were doing this for sensationalization. It is the biological parents and the ones who support these parents that claim the life of the child. This is the problem of the whole society --- the society kills lives in the name of justice. In Ms. Zhang’s view, remarkable advances have been made in China’s economy since the reform and opening up. However, there are still many people lagging behind China’s economic tide. For example, there are poor people and their children. “Currently many areas in China follow the laws of economics, including education, culture and health care. However, it cannot be regarded as a progress if a country can tolerate the parents to deprive the life of their kid. We must completely change this concept. Children are endowed with the right of survival, respect, education and medical treatment.”
“As the lucky ones of this era, we can learn something different. Thus, we cannot ignore children in difficult situations.” Ms. Zhang started saving orphans and disadvantaged children in 1992. She got married in the US in 2002 and has two biological children. As a Chinese, Ms. Zhang hopes she can contribute more to the orphans and disadvantaged children in China. Thus, she and her whole family moved to China in 2004, leading Children’s Hope to conduct medical, sponsorship and education programs.
In order to help sick children, Children’s Hope initiated the “Give Me New Life Medical Program”, aiming to provide surgeries and medical funds for sick orphans and children from poor families under the age of 14. The goal is to allow these children to be treated in a timely manner and given a chance of life as quickly as possible. Since 2000, with the support from Procter & Gamble, the Walch company, the Baby Tree, the Baby Care Company and many other well-known Chinese and foreign-owned enterprises, Children’s Hope has cooperated with medical institutions across the country and helped over 5,000 orphans and children from poor families to get surgeries.
为了帮助患病的儿童,儿童希望开展了“给我新生命”助医项目。该项目旨在为14岁以下孤儿和贫困家庭的残疾儿童筹备手术费用,让他们能及时得到治疗,早日拥有健康的新生命。自2000年起,儿童希望在宝洁公司、威露士公司、宝宝树、葆婴公司等知名企业和许多中外爱心人士的支持下,与全国各地的医疗机构合作,共帮助5000多名孤儿和贫困家庭的孩子接受了手术。 In order to create a family environment for orphans and disadvantaged children, Children’s Hope initiated the Sponsorship Program. The objective of this program is to provide help for orphans under the age of 18 or disadvantaged children due to poverty, diseases or family tragedies. Orphans not only need material assistance, but also need attention and care in the psychological aspect. This program also aims to bring the children one-to-one sincere care, healthy food, proper health care, education and spiritual communication, accompanying them to grow and helping them build positive attitude towards life until they own their happy families. Since the beginning of the Sponsorship Program for Orphans in July 2006, over 600 at-risk children have received help every year. By October 2012, over 3,000 children have benefited from this program. At present, the program has reached other social orphans beyond the welfare homes. Meanwhile, at-risk children due to poverty, diseases, disasters and family tragedies, in particular, girl drop-outs, have also gained help.
In addition, in order to help older orphans continue their study, Children’s Hope initiated the Vocational Training Program for Older Orphans. Owing to the lack of family care, immature psychology, weak learning foundation, poor self-learning ability and one specific skill, these children lack basic survival skills and competitiveness facing social challenges. This program aims to provide vocational training and relevant psychological counseling for these children, in order to help them become self-sufficient and start a healthy and independent life.
Advocate for Orphans and
Disadvantaged Children
In order to better carry out the work of saving children, Children’s Hope became a formally established foundation with an independent legal status in 2010. Ms. Zhang said she had a grand ideal to bring the mature charitable philosophy and practices to children’s charities in modern China, in order to prevent more children from becoming orphans. "In today's China, there are a million newborn babies suffering from congenital diseases every year. Children are subject to various harms too. However, few people know how to help them. Children’s Hope wants to be the one to advocate for children. Our philosophy is to pass love, save the children, protect life, and give children homes, health and hopes. This philosophy seems ordinary, but our work is refined little by little.
In Ms. Zhang’s view, it's not enough to solve the problems of child relief only by the effort of the government or NGOs. Instead, the government and NGOs must make concerted efforts. “Our strength is limited. We can only take actions, do what we have said and form a role model so that more people can join us and the policy can be affected. For this, I have two proposals. We have been submitting the Children's Health Insurance Proposal since 2008. In addition, there is children's rights protection. In China the law tends to protect the family. However, it is children who should be protected. Many children are hurt by their own biological parents. The core of the Children's Health Insurance Proposal is allowing parents, say, unmarried mothers or poor families, to take the initiative to give up custody of the children. Further, biological parents can be deprived of custody if they cause harm to their children but refuse to give up custody. These laws already exist in some countries. The UN Convention on the Rights of the Child has long proposed devotion to the best interests of children. ”
However, it’s not enough to have the laws. The implementation system, i.e., Administration for Children's Services, should be set up. As a NGO, Children’s Hope can only be followed as a role model for advocacy and publicity. Although Ms. Zhang has been submitting the proposal, there is no noticeable effect. For this, Ms. Zhang said: “Everything's hard in the beginning. We have been doubted in this society with trust crisis. But we know what we are striving for. The power of love supports us forward. Some people say social services are social lubricant. We believe that our work brings a breath of fresh air. Our efforts are an attitude, a voice and a message of love passing in the society. Giving and accepting love are the true meaning of life. We can be greatly blessed by helping others.” 在张雯看来,解决孤儿救助问题,单靠政府或民间力量都不可行,政府和民间必须“齐心协力”。“ 我们的力量太小,我们只能把话说来,把样子做出来,继而让更多的人加入其中,最后影响政策。对此,我们有两个议案。从2008年起,我们一直提交全民儿童医保议案。此外,还有儿童权益保护。因为中国的法律倾向于保护家庭,而实际上应该是保护孩子。其实很多伤害孩子的人就是他们的亲生父母。儿童保护议案的核心是允许父母主动放弃监护权,比如说未婚妈妈或极度贫困的家庭。再进一步就是剥夺监护权,当发生亲生父母伤害孩子而又不放弃孩子的监护权时,国家可强制剥夺其监护权。这些法律在别的国家早已存在,联合国《儿童权利公约》也早已提出一切应以儿童最大利益的原则。”
When the reporter asked about the plans for the future, Ms. Zhang said that her ideal is to bring some Chinese volunteers to other countries, for example, African countries, to serve for orphans and disadvantaged children there. “Chinese people must have a global vision. We are responsible for the world. Universal values go beyond boundaries. The charity cause of children saving needs to adapt itself to the international practice. ”
Ms. Zhang, with three adopted children, is now a happy mother. She talked about her communication with the children with excitement. Her words and deeds have influenced her biological children. Hence, the two kids are also willing to help others. Ms. Zhang interpreted it that a child is willing to share with other when he is filled with love. “When conducting the work of children saving, our hearts have been looking for a real power. This power comes from love. Love shows people a direction and power in life.”
Xixi came to the Home of Children’s Hope in 2008. Suffering from athetoid cerebral palsy and cortical blindness, she couldn't see nor hear anything.
A Qu comes from a primary school in the Erzezhu Village, Yuexi County, Lianshan Prefecture (an autonomous prefecture in Sichuan). The dilapidated school is located in a poor alpine area. With the aid of Children’s Hope, children there have received donations and finally owned their bright and spacious classrooms.
Yule, who has disabled parent, was born in 2008. In July 2012, the child was diagnosed with “abdominal neuroblastoma” which compounded the plight of the poor family. Through the medical aid program, Children’s Hope raised funds for Yule. Together with the help of the public, Yule had a successful surgery of hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT) in Beijing Children’s Hospital and stayed in a stable condition.
8-year-old John is among the earliest batch of children coming to the Home of Children's Hope in 2004. After six major surgeries, his heart disease, hydrocephalus and cataracts were cured. He started school in September 2012.
Jigao is brought up in a single-parent family and raised by his father whose leg was wounded. Jigao and his brother are both in the sunflower group of the Aid Program in Sichuan Earthquake Zone. Children’s Hope Foundation offers assistance to them after learning their situation from the volunteers.
These children share the same name: orphans or disadvantaged children. They have a common home: Home of Children's Hope. They are unfortunate being orphaned or disadvantaged. However, they are also fortunate enough to receive aid from Children’s Hope Foundation (aka Children’s Hope). It is a Chinese local non-profit NGO to help orphans and disadvantaged children. The reporter made an exclusive interview with Ms. Melody Wen Zhang, Executive Director of Children’s Hope, on issues of assistance to orphans and disadvantaged children in China on the day before Chinese New Year’s Eve. 他们,有一个共同的名字,叫做孤儿或困境儿童;他们有一个共同的家,叫做儿童希望之家。作为孤儿或困境儿童中的一员,他们是不幸的;然而他们又是幸运的,因为他们得到了儿童希望救助基金会的救助。这一主要从事中国孤儿和困境儿童救助的机构便是儿童希望救助基金会(简称儿童希望)——一家中国本土的非盈利民间机构。除夕的前一天,本刊记者就中国孤儿以及困境儿童救助问题专访了该机构主任张雯女士。
Heart-Wringing Situation of Orphans and Disadvantaged Children
With the Spring Festival approaching, there was an air of restlessness in Beijing. On festive occasions one thinks of his dear ones far away more than ever, let alone at the Spring Festival for family reunion. People working far from homeland, regardless of their fatigue, were bathed in the holiday joy of returning home for the Spring Festival. However, the reporter was impressed by staff busy working in the office, full of enthusiasm. Director Zhang in the morning meeting was particularly beautiful with her curly hair and eyes with loving gaze. When I expressed my admiration towards the conscientious staff of Children’s Hope, Ms. Zhang told me proudly that a number of students from the Sport University who didn’t go back to their hometown would help children here with rehabilitation training. Meanwhile they also help teachers in the Home of Children’s Hope at best they can.
When talking about the children here, the eyes of Ms. Zhang are filled with tender affection. A graduate from School of Journalism of Renmin University of China in 1989, she had never thought that she would step into the area of children’s relief from journalism with her previous dream of “The iron shoulders undertake the morality and justice, the highly skilled write the article.” Guided by some foreign experts hoping to help orphans, Ms. Zhang chanced to come to a welfare house in Jiangsu Province, China in 1992. In the dserted and cold orphanage, children were as thin as a lath. Their faces were pale and eyes are dull. Acrid smell filled the air. She was shocked so long that she could not calm down. She even held up a child and ran out of the house desperately. She still can not get over the tingling sensation. It is the shock that made Ms. Zhang to join the program of children’s relief, giving up the work as a magazine reporter resolutely.
提及儿童希望之家的孩子,张雯女士眼中充满了爱怜。这位1989年毕业于中国人民大学新闻系的高材生或许并未想到,曾怀揣着“铁肩担道义,妙手著文章”理想的自己会从新闻界一脚踏入困境儿童救助领域。那是一个偶然的机会,1992年,在一些希望帮助孤儿的外国专家的带领下,张雯女士来到了中国江苏的一所福利院。在空荡而又冰冷的福利院里,一个个孩子骨瘦如柴,脸色苍白,目光呆滞,再加上屋子里散发出来的刺鼻气味,令她震惊得久久无法平静,甚至不顾一切的一把抱起其中的一个孩子就往屋外跑。当时那种刺痛的感觉至今仍令张雯难以忘怀,也正是当时的那种震惊让她毅然决然的选择放弃杂志社记者的工作,义无反顾的投入到对孤儿与困境儿童的救助中。 Ms. Zhang felt her limitations after a couple of years’ work. Then, she went to the US for further study. Ms. Zhang received her Master's degree in Social Work from Washington University in St. Louis in US in 1997, majoring in family and children. During her internship in US, Ms. Zhang engaged in social work services related to divorced families, victims' families and poor families. Through the internship, she was struck by the gap between child relief in China and the US.
Ms. Zhang introduced that most civilized countries have established standardized relief systems for orphans or disadvantaged children. In American social welfare concept, children are not only vulnerable groups worthy of sympathy. More importantly, children are treated as the hope of future in the US. Therefore, the domestic adoption system in the US is well-regulated in purpose of ensuring orphans live in a healthy environment. Child Welfare Bureaus are set up in the US and many other countries. There is also positive interaction between the government and NGOs. The government can make NGOs supplementary relief forces through purchasing their services. Once there are homeless children, professional organizations can soon respond to it. If people want to adopt them, relevant training services and government-backed funds will be provided.
However, it’s quite different in China. Here, diseases claimed lives of children who could have been cured; some children were even abused by their own biological parents and received no help. According to statistics, currently there are about 615,000 orphans in China. About 109,000 orphans are fostered by the Children’s Welfare Institute of the Ministry of Civil Affairs. The rest of 506,000 orphans, without the reach of official child welfare services, are scattered in the society. They are fostered either by their relatives or NGOs. Every year there are new orphans and some of them will be fostered by child welfare services. Thus, the figure is different each year. Coupled with other orphans beyond the statistics, this figure is obviously larger than 600,000. Another figure shows that there are 9 provincial level independent child welfare institutes, 333 regional independent ones and 64 county level independent ones. In addition, over 800 social welfare institutes have a service section for children. Altogether there are 2,853 counties in China. The present welfare institutes are far from enough for the large number of orphans in China. In this regard, Ms. Zhang said that undeniably the children relief system in China is still not perfect. Relevant laws and regulations are still needed for improvement. The Adoption Law of the People's Republic of China was promulgated and came into force in April, 1992. However, as the most important law to protect orphans, the government’s responsibility lies in a mere registration provision. This greatly dilutes the government’s legal responsibility. With the absence of the child welfare system, the situation of orphans and disadvantaged children in China is worrying.
Build the Home of Children's Hope
Talking about the children who have been orphaned due to disability, illness or poverty, Ms. Zhang eyes were filled with tears, her voice choked. This is not only because of children’s innocence, but also owing to anger she felt towards the parents who abandoned the children. She told the reporter excitedly that many Chinese parents treat their kids as their own accessories. When children have some health problems, parents tend to give up their lives. This is not only inconsistent with the civilization of a society, but also against the spirit of humanitarianism. Take an example of a child suffering imperforate anus, his parents refused to get him treated. In desperation, our volunteers had to grab him for treatment. This matter triggered public uproar. However, according to the opinion polls by Sohu, as much as 70% of the people thought that we were doing this for sensationalization. It is the biological parents and the ones who support these parents that claim the life of the child. This is the problem of the whole society --- the society kills lives in the name of justice. In Ms. Zhang’s view, remarkable advances have been made in China’s economy since the reform and opening up. However, there are still many people lagging behind China’s economic tide. For example, there are poor people and their children. “Currently many areas in China follow the laws of economics, including education, culture and health care. However, it cannot be regarded as a progress if a country can tolerate the parents to deprive the life of their kid. We must completely change this concept. Children are endowed with the right of survival, respect, education and medical treatment.”
“As the lucky ones of this era, we can learn something different. Thus, we cannot ignore children in difficult situations.” Ms. Zhang started saving orphans and disadvantaged children in 1992. She got married in the US in 2002 and has two biological children. As a Chinese, Ms. Zhang hopes she can contribute more to the orphans and disadvantaged children in China. Thus, she and her whole family moved to China in 2004, leading Children’s Hope to conduct medical, sponsorship and education programs.
In order to help sick children, Children’s Hope initiated the “Give Me New Life Medical Program”, aiming to provide surgeries and medical funds for sick orphans and children from poor families under the age of 14. The goal is to allow these children to be treated in a timely manner and given a chance of life as quickly as possible. Since 2000, with the support from Procter & Gamble, the Walch company, the Baby Tree, the Baby Care Company and many other well-known Chinese and foreign-owned enterprises, Children’s Hope has cooperated with medical institutions across the country and helped over 5,000 orphans and children from poor families to get surgeries.
为了帮助患病的儿童,儿童希望开展了“给我新生命”助医项目。该项目旨在为14岁以下孤儿和贫困家庭的残疾儿童筹备手术费用,让他们能及时得到治疗,早日拥有健康的新生命。自2000年起,儿童希望在宝洁公司、威露士公司、宝宝树、葆婴公司等知名企业和许多中外爱心人士的支持下,与全国各地的医疗机构合作,共帮助5000多名孤儿和贫困家庭的孩子接受了手术。 In order to create a family environment for orphans and disadvantaged children, Children’s Hope initiated the Sponsorship Program. The objective of this program is to provide help for orphans under the age of 18 or disadvantaged children due to poverty, diseases or family tragedies. Orphans not only need material assistance, but also need attention and care in the psychological aspect. This program also aims to bring the children one-to-one sincere care, healthy food, proper health care, education and spiritual communication, accompanying them to grow and helping them build positive attitude towards life until they own their happy families. Since the beginning of the Sponsorship Program for Orphans in July 2006, over 600 at-risk children have received help every year. By October 2012, over 3,000 children have benefited from this program. At present, the program has reached other social orphans beyond the welfare homes. Meanwhile, at-risk children due to poverty, diseases, disasters and family tragedies, in particular, girl drop-outs, have also gained help.
In addition, in order to help older orphans continue their study, Children’s Hope initiated the Vocational Training Program for Older Orphans. Owing to the lack of family care, immature psychology, weak learning foundation, poor self-learning ability and one specific skill, these children lack basic survival skills and competitiveness facing social challenges. This program aims to provide vocational training and relevant psychological counseling for these children, in order to help them become self-sufficient and start a healthy and independent life.
Advocate for Orphans and
Disadvantaged Children
In order to better carry out the work of saving children, Children’s Hope became a formally established foundation with an independent legal status in 2010. Ms. Zhang said she had a grand ideal to bring the mature charitable philosophy and practices to children’s charities in modern China, in order to prevent more children from becoming orphans. "In today's China, there are a million newborn babies suffering from congenital diseases every year. Children are subject to various harms too. However, few people know how to help them. Children’s Hope wants to be the one to advocate for children. Our philosophy is to pass love, save the children, protect life, and give children homes, health and hopes. This philosophy seems ordinary, but our work is refined little by little.
In Ms. Zhang’s view, it's not enough to solve the problems of child relief only by the effort of the government or NGOs. Instead, the government and NGOs must make concerted efforts. “Our strength is limited. We can only take actions, do what we have said and form a role model so that more people can join us and the policy can be affected. For this, I have two proposals. We have been submitting the Children's Health Insurance Proposal since 2008. In addition, there is children's rights protection. In China the law tends to protect the family. However, it is children who should be protected. Many children are hurt by their own biological parents. The core of the Children's Health Insurance Proposal is allowing parents, say, unmarried mothers or poor families, to take the initiative to give up custody of the children. Further, biological parents can be deprived of custody if they cause harm to their children but refuse to give up custody. These laws already exist in some countries. The UN Convention on the Rights of the Child has long proposed devotion to the best interests of children. ”
However, it’s not enough to have the laws. The implementation system, i.e., Administration for Children's Services, should be set up. As a NGO, Children’s Hope can only be followed as a role model for advocacy and publicity. Although Ms. Zhang has been submitting the proposal, there is no noticeable effect. For this, Ms. Zhang said: “Everything's hard in the beginning. We have been doubted in this society with trust crisis. But we know what we are striving for. The power of love supports us forward. Some people say social services are social lubricant. We believe that our work brings a breath of fresh air. Our efforts are an attitude, a voice and a message of love passing in the society. Giving and accepting love are the true meaning of life. We can be greatly blessed by helping others.” 在张雯看来,解决孤儿救助问题,单靠政府或民间力量都不可行,政府和民间必须“齐心协力”。“ 我们的力量太小,我们只能把话说来,把样子做出来,继而让更多的人加入其中,最后影响政策。对此,我们有两个议案。从2008年起,我们一直提交全民儿童医保议案。此外,还有儿童权益保护。因为中国的法律倾向于保护家庭,而实际上应该是保护孩子。其实很多伤害孩子的人就是他们的亲生父母。儿童保护议案的核心是允许父母主动放弃监护权,比如说未婚妈妈或极度贫困的家庭。再进一步就是剥夺监护权,当发生亲生父母伤害孩子而又不放弃孩子的监护权时,国家可强制剥夺其监护权。这些法律在别的国家早已存在,联合国《儿童权利公约》也早已提出一切应以儿童最大利益的原则。”
When the reporter asked about the plans for the future, Ms. Zhang said that her ideal is to bring some Chinese volunteers to other countries, for example, African countries, to serve for orphans and disadvantaged children there. “Chinese people must have a global vision. We are responsible for the world. Universal values go beyond boundaries. The charity cause of children saving needs to adapt itself to the international practice. ”
Ms. Zhang, with three adopted children, is now a happy mother. She talked about her communication with the children with excitement. Her words and deeds have influenced her biological children. Hence, the two kids are also willing to help others. Ms. Zhang interpreted it that a child is willing to share with other when he is filled with love. “When conducting the work of children saving, our hearts have been looking for a real power. This power comes from love. Love shows people a direction and power in life.”