
来源 :中国戏剧 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yayayaoo
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今年5月4日,“人艺之友”会员单位北方工业大学、清华大学、北京师范学院、北京师范大学举行联合演出。这次演出共上演了5个戏剧小品,4个独幕剧,其中5个小品和一个独幕剧是由学生们自己创作演出的,保持了过去一段时间校园戏剧的特点。《拳击》、《新潮病诊所》等5个戏剧小品直接来源于学生们的生活,反映了学生对一些问题的思考。形式有的接近现实,有的近乎荒涎,体现了学生们感觉敏锐、思想活跃的特点。这次演出戏剧小品的数量明显增多,大概是受前一段社会上“小品热”的影响。戏剧小品短小精悍,舞台布景要求不高,很适合于校园戏剧的业余演出。我相信,小品这种形式在今后的 May 4 this year, “friends of art,” members of North China University of Technology, Tsinghua University, Beijing Normal University, Beijing Normal University, a joint performance. The show staged a total of five drama pieces, four one-act shows, of which five pieces and one-act drama was created by the students themselves, to maintain the characteristics of the campus drama of the past period. Five box-capitals such as “Boxing” and “Trendy Clinic” come directly from the students ’lives, reflecting students’ thinking on some issues. Some forms are close to reality, and some are almost deserted, reflecting the students feel keen, active thinking. The number of theatrical productions has increased significantly, presumably by the “hot piece” of the previous period. Dramatic skittish, stage set of requirements is not high, it is suitable for amateur theater performances. I believe that this form of essay in the future
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