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改革的攻坚阶段实际上就是一个克服强大阻力、增强改革力量、加大改革力度的过程。如今的中国面临诸多问题,光说不做,拖拖拉拉,改革是不可能成功的,处在改革的重大关头,决不能瞻前顾后、犹豫不决。回顾党的历史,伟大的长征精神激励了一代又一代共产党人冲锋在前、吃苦在前、奉献在前。当前,在全面深化改革的道路上,党员干部必须学习长征精神,把理想与现实、梦想与奋斗结合起来,坚定理想信念,弘扬长征精神,以身作则,吃苦在前、享受在后,在改革开放的道路上勤奋工作、廉洁奉公, The crucial stage of reform is actually a process of overcoming the great resistance, strengthening the reform and intensifying the reform. Today, China faces many problems. If we say nothing, we will not succeed in carrying out the reform. We must not hesitate to look forward and hesitate. Recalling the history of the party, the great spirit of the Long March has inspired generations of Communists to charge in the first place, enduring hardships and sacrifices. At present, on the road of deepening the reform in an all-round manner, party members and cadres must learn the spirit of the Long March, combine ideals with reality, dreams and struggles, strengthen their ideals and convictions, promote the spirit of the Long March, lead by example, suffer hardships and enjoy the benefits of reform and opening up Diligent work on the road, clean and honest,
一、对象和方法  1.对象:2002年6月至2004年9月我院住院患者219例,均行选择性冠状动脉造影术,冠状动脉病变以左冠脉主干、左前降支、回旋支、右冠脉中至少有1支狭窄≥50%为阳性,伴有感染、肿瘤、糖尿病、全身免疫性疾病、严重肝肾疾病者除外.根据1979年WHO制定的冠心病诊断标准和冠脉造影结果,将219例入选者分为两组:(1)冠心病组:122例,男74例,女48例,年龄60~82岁,平均(