据有关材料反映 ,目前我国中小企业的总数已超过 80 0万家 ,占全国企业总数的 99%,工业总产值、实现利税和出口总额分别占全国总量的 6 0 %、40 %和 6 0 %,提供就业岗位占全国城镇就业总数的 75 %。这表明中小企业在促进经济增长中发挥了重要作用 ,具有十分重要的地位。因此 ,?
According to the relevant materials, at present, the total number of SMEs in our country has exceeded 8.0 million, accounting for 99% of the total number of enterprises in the country. The total industrial output value, the profits and taxes and the total export value account for 60%, 40% and 60% of the national total respectively %, Providing employment accounts for 75% of the total urban employment in the country. This shows that SMEs have played an important role in promoting economic growth and have a very important position. So?