
来源 :中国医学文摘(耳鼻咽喉科学) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:kdkd03
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人工耳蜗植入是目前重度、极重度感音神经性聋患者获得听力重建的唯一有效方法。减少手术并发症以及减少植入装置故障一直是手术医师和研究人员努力的方向。随着人工耳蜗技术的普及、手术经验的积累、手术方法的改进以及人工耳蜗装置的更新,手术并发症的比例有所减少。但与植入装置及手术有关的并发症仍然存在。本文将分析总结与人工耳蜗植入有关的并发症及相应处理措施。 Cochlear implants are currently the only effective method of obtaining hearing reconstruction in patients with severe, very severe sensorineural hearing loss. Reducing surgical complications and reducing implants in devices has always been an endeavor for surgeons and researchers alike. With the popularity of cochlear implant technology, the accumulation of surgical experience, surgical methods and the improvement of cochlear devices, the proportion of complications has been reduced. However, complications associated with implantable devices and surgeries still exist. This article will analyze and summarize the complications associated with cochlear implants and the corresponding treatment measures.
文章针对当前铁路运输信息化的必要性和可能性进行了分析和探讨。 The article analyzes and discusses the necessity and possibility of the current railway transporta
终于放假了。爸爸要带我回老家九环坡。我非常不乐意,因为回去的路很不好走,到处坑坑洼洼,车还没骑多远人就散了架,还只能骑一小段路,把车寄在别人家里,然后“九 Finally, a
澳大利亚是世界上最大的岛屿, 面积只比中国略小一点。澳大利亚领土辽阔, 但人口稀少, 它的人口比中国上海的人口还少。 Australia is the largest island in the world and
迈拓 金钻九代/6Y200M0 200GB 1600元 迈拓 金钻九代/6Y200M0的各项指标都非常强大,除了容量高达200G之外,它的单碟容量也达到了80G,并采用8M缓存,最大转速为7200rpm,速度优
请下载后查看,本文暂不支持在线获取查看简介。 Please download to view, this article does not support online access to view profile.
请下载后查看,本文暂不支持在线获取查看简介。 Please download to view, this article does not support online access to view profile.
本文主要介绍一种以漂珠为骨架材料的新型无机耐高温粘结剂的合成条件、特性与应用,并运用X-射线衍射分析对粘结剂的相组成进行分析。 This article mainly introduces the sy