各位领导、各位来宾、各位同志 :中国粮油学会首届学术年会 ,是中国粮油学会为迎接新世纪而召开的一次重要盛会。在世纪交替之际 ,在深化改革之时 ,全国粮油科技界的代表聚集一堂 ,交流经验 ,研讨对策 ,必将对踏上科技兴粮之路的中国粮食油脂行业产生重要的影响。在新世纪即将?
Ladies and gentlemen, Ladies and Gentlemen, The First Annual Conference of the Chinese Cereals and Oils Association is an important event held by the China Cereals and Oils Association to welcome the new century. At the turn of the century, at the deepening of the reform, representatives of the grain and oil science and technology sector in the country gathered together to exchange experiences and discuss countermeasures, which will surely exert an important influence on the grain and oil industry in China embarking on the road of science and technology to increase grain. In the new century is coming?