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禁绝鸦片烟毒,曾屡有指示在案,据近来了解我省鸦片种植吸食情况在个别地区,仍相当严重(潢川、陕州两专为最)兹根据中央中南指示,贯澈禁烟政策,做到明年自动不种的精神特再申令如下:一、政府决不收购鸦片烟毒,亦不准烟农以烟土顶交公粮,以避免对明年禁种不利,会增加烟农侥幸和投机心理。二、对群众性种植之地区,人民生活确无法维持者,可迅速造报预算送省,以便呈准中南财委会拨给少部救济粮,酌予救济,并可将种植户交出之烟土当群众面前焚毁,以教育群众,使其知道种烟毒没有前途及政府对禁烟之决心。三、对去冬今春,已明令禁种地区,如有个别落后不法份子,违抗法令或投机取巧种植者,应令其交出烟土,当众焚毁,并可分别予以惩处。四、结合公安工作,严禁烟毒运销,一经查出,当即没收其烟土,送交县府当众焚毁,对贩运者予以严办.五、对烟馆及制造毒品者,没收其房屋、烟具与存土,并课以罚金或严惩。六、对吸食鸦片之烟民,应采取教育办法,烟民过多地区应有步骤的分期强制戒烟,对屡教不改及吸食海洛英者当严办。七、各地对禁烟工作,应进行广泛深入之宣传,在种植及吸食严重地区,应在农代会各代会中作出决议,逐级传达,务使家喻户晓保证今后不再种植。 According to the recent report on the opium cultivation in our province, it is still quite serious in some areas (Huangchuan and Shanzhou are the two specialties). According to the instructions of the Central South China Government, To achieve the goal of automatically refusing to plant seeds for sale next year, the following special remarks should be issued: 1. The government will never acquire opiate narcotic drugs nor will it allow farmers and farmers to hand over their grain and vegetables to the public to avoid any unfavorable consequences for next year’s ban planting. This will increase their chances of luck and speculation. Second, the people’s livelihood can not be sustained in areas populated by the masses. The budgets can be promptly sent to the provinces so as to allow the Central and South Finance Commission to allocate a small portion of relief grain to the relief workers and give them to the farmers The smoldering soil burns in front of the masses in order to educate the masses so that they know there is no future for tobacco poisoning and the determination of the government to ban smoking. Thirdly, for the winter and spring, it has been explicitly prohibited in the banned areas that individuals who have fallen behind the law, who disobey decrees or opportunistic growers should be allowed to hand over their soil and burned in public and be punished separately. Fourth, with the public security work, drug trafficking and marketing is strictly forbidden, once detected, immediately confiscated its soil, sent to the county government burned in public, to be strictly handled by traffickers. Five, smoking and drug manufacturers, confiscation of their houses, smoking and storage Soil, and fined or severely punished. Sixth, for smokers opium, education should be adopted, smokers in many areas should step by step mandatory smoking cessation, abortion and abuse of heroin should be strictly handled. 7. All localities should conduct extensive and in-depth publicity on the work of banning smoking. In the areas where planting and smoking are serious, resolutions should be made in the various congresses of the Peasants’ Congress to be made casually to ensure that they will not be planted in the future.
我院和南京军区八三四一六部队共同研制了一种新的短波全晶体管化车载50瓦组合电台,为部队提供了迫切需要的装备。 本电台由“小八一”电台与50瓦放大器组合而成。对充分利
你省一九八五年一月十二日《关于建立沿河土家族自治县的请示》收悉。同意撤销沿河县,设立沿河土家族自治县,以原沿河县的行政区域为沿河土家族自治县的行政区域。 You Pro
根据国务院国发[1985]127号文件通知精神,现将报送省政府审批或备案的行政人员奖励和处分问题的有关事项通知如下:一、奖励的审批权限 (一)给予省人民代表大会选举的行政人
《吉林省城市供水管理办法》已经1998年3月31日省政府第3次常务会议通过,现予发布,自发布之日起施行。 The Measures for the Administration of Urban Water Supply in Ji