本作是一款以反派为主角的游戏与《影牢刻命馆》系列玩法基本一致。虽然作为同一类型的游戏,但原创要素是绝对不可缺少的。《恶》中新加入了类似于保镖的一种用心棒的选项,这一设定为本作增加了不少活力。试想一下身后跟着一大群马仔,看到不爽的人就大喝一声“弟兄们给我上!”不管结果如何这种当老大的感觉还是比较爽的。陷阱类型: 这是在下打穿之后的一些关于布置陷阱的心得,这里主要介绍3种实用的布置类型。这3种类型都是以“落穴,滚石,捕兽夹,大筒”四种陷阱为主,还有其它很多种放置的方法可以使用,这就要靠广大玩家自己去摸索了。
This is a section to the villain as the protagonist of the game and “Shadow firmly engraved Museum” series basically the same. Although the same type of game, but the original elements are absolutely indispensable. “Evil” in the new bodyguards joined the addition of a kind of hard-hearted option, this setting adds a lot of vitality for this. Imagine being followed by a large group of Aberdeen, who see the unhappy people shouted “The brothers gave me on! ” No matter what the outcome of this kind of feeling when the boss is still relatively cool. Trap type: This is some experience on the trap after laying down, here are three kinds of practical layout types. These three types are based on “Drop hole, Rolling Stones, Catcher clip, big barrel ” four traps based, there are many other ways to place can be used, which depends on the majority of players to explore.